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Four Years Ago. . .

The volcano was restless, and so were the dragons in the NightWing fortress.

Secretkeeper felt the mountain rumble under her talons as she hurried through the stone halls. There were too many dragons awake - too many witnesses who might wonder where she was going in the middle of the night. She kept her head down, but she felt the curious looks sliding under her scales with each dragon she passed.

How many of them knew what tonight should have been? Did anyone remember?

She didn't need to count the days to know. Her bones ached with knowing. It was like a voice in her head screaming. Tonight! Their hatching! Hurry! Don't get caught! Hurry!

Because if it happened and she wasn't there. . .

She imagined hungry panthers prowling the undergrowth, dangerous crocodiles with gleaming teeth, or unpredictable curious idiot dragons who might do anything with two mysterious abandoned eggs.

But she couldn't run, not with all the NightWings still awake and watching her. Why tonight, of all nights? Usually everyone in the tribe slept like sloths from dusk to dawn.

Just before she reached the ledge, she passed Mastermind and Farsight. Mastermind gave her a hard stare. He knows, she thought with a stab of panic.

But it was Farsight who stopped and spoke to her. "Oh, Secretkeeper, poor dear," she said, folding in her wings.

Secretkeeper winced; her name had never sounded more appropriate. Sometimes she wondered if her name had made her this way - if she was unconsciously trying to live up to it with the biggest, most unforgivable secret a NightWing could have.

"The eggs you lost were due to hatch tonight, weren't they? Are you all right?" Farsight went on. "Do you want someone to sit with you?"

NO! Secretkeeper curled her claws in and shook her head. "I'm fine," she said. "Just. . . going to get some air."

"Do you want company?" Farsight asked. Behind her, Mastermind frowned irritably. "I know it's not the same, but when Morrowseer took my egg -"

Secretkeeper could only think of one way to stop her, and it was harsh, but she had to, because she had to go, right now.

"It's not the same at all!" she snapped, shooting a burst of flame out her nose. "You have two surviving dragonets, and one of them is off on the continent being pampered and overfed and worshipped by the Talons of Peace! So don't try to act like you understand me!"

Farsight recoiled as if Secretkeeper had bitten her. Mastermind looked startled, perhaps a bit impressed. . .maybe a little suspicious. Secretkeeper whirled and fled up the corridor before either of them could say anything else.

I'll apologize tomorrow. She'll forgive me. Farsight is like that.

She took a running leap off the ledge and soared down toward the black sand beach. Behind her, the volcano rumbled again; the dark clouds overhead glowed with an ominous red light. The air was heavy and suffocating, smelling of death and rotten eggs and burning rocks. Secretkeeper swooped low over the red-gold lava river, the brightest spot on the island, and then veered toward the cave.

Wings of Fire - Eclipse Burning (1)Where stories live. Discover now