Chapter 21

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Winter turned to Eclipse, agony written across his face. She knew what he was asking, even though his mind couldn't put it into clear thoughts yet. 

"It's true," Eclipse said, scanning Icicle's thoughts. "At least, that's what Scarlet has told her. Scarlet could be lying, but Icicle believes her."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Winter said to his sister. 

"Because you're worthless," she spat. "And I didn't want to waste time arguing with your sensitive moral sensibilities."

"She mean's she knew you could've talked her out of it," Eclipse said fiercely. "And she knew you would try, and you might even have succeeded, because you're not worthless; you're smart and brave and capable of caring about other dragons."

"Is it really true, though?" he said, a question not quite for either Eclipse or Icicle. "Hailstorm isn't dead?"

Icicle narrowed her eyes and flicked her tail, weighing to possibilities. "There's still time," she hissed at him. "We could still kill the dragonets and get him back."

Winter hesitated, wavering. The memories of his brother were warm and tense, loving and terrible at the same time. He missed him desperately. And he needed to atone for the guilt of loosing him in the first place. 

But he shook his head. "Not with more killing. Not for Queen Scarlet. It won't work."

"Fine," Icicle snarled. "I hope you choke on a walrus and die."

She whirled and dove out the nearest window, tearing straight through the leaf pane and letting in a burst of bright sunlight. 

"Icicle! Stop!" Winter yelled. He ran to the window and leaned out. "Come back! We can find him together!"

There was no response. In the fading echoes Eclipse could hear as Icicle flew away, she saw that the IceWing was planning to find Queen Scarlet and complete her mission somehow. The dragonets were far from safe. 

Behind the desk, Qibli groaned, and Moon darted over to him as he sat up gingerly. His pale yellow scales were dented and bruised and his amber earring had been nearly torn out of his ear, making a small ragged tear where the hole had been. 

Six-Claws said it was idiotic to get this, he thought, touching his earring with a wince. I can't believe I let an IceWing knock me out. Thorn would be unimpressed. I should have started with a fireburst to her face, but I thought she was going to attack Moon and I just jumped in without thinking. Stupid, impulsive, everything Thorn says I need to learn to fix. 

Moon reached toward him and then hesitated. "Can I -" she asked. 

He met her eyes and nodded. She took one of his talons in hers and gently felt his head.

"That's right," Qibli said. He tried to stand up, flinched, and sat down again. "She'd better run. I was just resting for part two: the crushening! Where I do some - crushing - and it's - very impressive - I think I'd better lie down." 

"Looks like you'll live," Moon said to him, relieved. 

"Eclipse," Winter huffed, trotting over to her crumbled form. 

"I'm alright," she sighed. Her snout and eye burned from where Icicle's serrated claws raked her face and her other injuries she'd already had before this were aching. She attempted opening her right eye, but all she saw was the world painted red with her blood. It also hurt a lot to try and open it anyway. 

"Three moons. . ." Winter mumbled. He crouched beside her, his chilled talons grazing over her eye. She groaned as he inspected her and he sighed. "I'm sorry," 

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