Chapter 8

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~Part 2~

Stay Hidden

"But you can't be," Moon whispered, then realized she'd spoken aloud when Sora looked up and blinked at her. Eclipse flicked her tail at the MudWing and smiled. Sora smiled back and dropped her eyes back to her scroll. 

Moon turned to face the wall and thought, Darkstalker lived over two thousand years ago. 

I know. He sighed. I've been asleep a long time, apparently. I suspect this bracelet was supposed to keep me that way forever. 

How are you awake now? Eclipse asked. What happened to the bracelet? 

It's broken, he said. After two thousand years, almost anything becomes weaker. Something must have jarred it and snapped it off. 

The earthquakes? Moon wondered. There was a comet six months ago - as it passed by there were a lot of earthquakes and strange weather. 

That's when I woke up, he said, so you're probably right. 

Eclipse hesitated. Six months ago was also when the nightmares started. The ones about Jade Mountain falling. That couldn't be just a coincidence. 

I'm not actually a monster, no matter what the scrolls and ghost stories say, he said. Can't you tell?

We don't know you, Eclipse pointed out. It's only been a few days since you started talking to us. 

That's true, I guess. he said. 

Where are you? Moon asked. 

That, I do not know. Somewhere dark. Covered in stone. I can't move. I can only. . .think. He let out an odd sort of chuckle. Perhaps you can see why I was so pleased to find you. I can hear others, but no one else can hear me. Makes for a lot of very boring, one-sided conversations.

She didn't know what to say. She'd expected another dragon like her, someone she could meet and go flying with. She had not expected to be talking to the legendary monster of NightWing nightmare. 

I'm not a monster, he said again quietly. It seems history has painted me that way, but perhaps that's what happens when you disappear before you can tell your own story, and only your enemies are left to finish it. Or your best-friends-turned-enemies, apparently. 

Moon rolled back to the Darkstalker section of the scroll. A handsome dark face stared regally out at her. He had the silver scales in the corners of his eyes, too. 

Formidable dragon, Darkstalker said with mild amusement. I suppose that's true, but it is not my fault I was born with these powers. I think you know something about that. 

I've never plotted to steal any thrones though, Moon pointed out. Or killed my father.

I think you would, if you'd had my father. I saved the tribe from him, Darkstalker argued. He was a lot worse than I am. This scrolls version of the story his highly oversimplified. As for being king - why not? Just because we've only ever had queens, does that mean a king is impossible? Why would I have all these gifts if I wasn't supposed to use them to lead and protect the tribe? 

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