Chapter 12

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Eclipse, Darkstalker shouted, perhaps more than once, dragging her back to herself. Eclipse, it's not real, you're all right.

Eclipse stumbled on her feet, shaking her head wildly. Moon was still crumbled against the floor and clutching her head so hard Eclipse thought she might break through her own scales. 

"Moon!" Eclipse rushed to her sister's aid, staggering on her talons a bit before clutching Moon's shoulders. 

Moon, she heard Darkstalker shout. It's not real, listen to my voice. 

What do you mean it's not real? Moon asked. Her heart beat was to fast, and she was squeezing her chest as if she couldn't breathe. 

I mean, it could have been, but it won't be, he said. Whatever that was, it's in the history cave. Stay away from there and - 

The vision returned, fiercer and more agonizing than before. 

Eclipse crumbled back, lashing her tail in pain. 

Now, Moon was outside the history cave, and fire was pouring out into the tunnel, along with the screaming, burning figures of dragons. Now Eclipse could see Kinkajou stumbling to the ground in front of her, her wings turning crisp and black as flames ate them away. 

The vision faded and she could focus on the tunnels surrounding her again. She had never experienced a vision before. It was always Moon who'd had them so she believe she was only gifted with mind reading, although she guessed now her visions were just weaker than Moon's. 

Moon! Moon! Darkstalker pulled Moon out once again. Close your eyes. I can take your mind to a safe place where you won't see any of this. 

"No!" Moon shouted. "Don't do that!" Moon pushed herself up and started running toward the history cave. 

"Moon!" Eclipse ran after her. 

What are you doing? Darkstalker asked. 

I have to stop it. Moon answered. 

"What you need to do is run the other way!" Eclipse tried, rushing after her sister. "It's not safe for you! I can take care of this."

"No way I'm letting you do anything by yourself!" Moon shot back. "I need to help." 

There isn't time. Can't you tell? The explosion is only a few minutes away. 

Then I have to warn them! Moon continued. Someone might be in there already.

A half-second pause, then: Is that wise? Don't you want to keep your power a secret?

"Not if it means my friends will all die!" Moon cried. 

Moon crumbled to the ground again as if a giant talon slammed her forward. Eclipse stumbled over her, nearly collapsing herself as she felt the familiar pounding in her spine. But this time nothing flashed before her eyes. 

"What is wrong with you?" a cool, arrogant voice asked. Is she all right? his brain worried, more sympathetically. 

"Winter," Eclipse gasped. Moon shook her head, trying to clear the vision away. His scales were smooth, pale blue, unburnt. His eyes were arctic pools. 

"Some kind of NightWing seizure?" he asked, looking down his snout at her. His tail flicked and he took a step back, toward the history cave. She could see the archway, only a few paces ahead of them, quiet and flame-free. 

"You can't go in there," Eclipse said, lunging forward and grasping his forearms with her claws. 

We're touching - she's - I'm - her scales against mine - I can't want this - his mind whirled, adding to the touch of blistering pain against her skull. 

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