Chapter 20

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Moon, Qibli and Eclipse ran through the winding tunnels of Jade Mountain. Dragons jumped out of the way and stared as they shot past; Eclipse caught flashes of What's happening? and Was there another fire? and Should I be running, too? and Oi, SandWing, watch it with that tail. She thought she saw Winter looking out of one of the caves they passed but didn't slow down to check. 

Girls, stop. You can't do this. I have to stop you, Darkstalker said. This is not wise. It's not safe. I can't let you confront Icicle. There are so many ways in which it goes horribly wrong - 

Like she kills me? Moon questioned. Are there possibilities where she doesn't kill me?

Yes, but they're faint - Moon, I can't loose you -

Well, you can't exactly force us to stop, Eclipse noted. 

I can't sit by and do nothing, Moon said. While Icicle kills somebody? Somebody who might change the future of this world? Look into those futures, Darkstalker. Without Sunny, or Starflight, Clay or Tsunami, isn't the world a darker place? If this school fails, how soon are the tribes back at war?

He was silent for a long moment. I see your point. But the world without you in it is also much diminished, Moon. 

Really? Moon questioned quietly. 

Let Qibli stop her on his own, Darkstalker suggested. 

And how many timelines does he survive that? Eclipse asked, doubt trickling from her voice. 

Hmm, he said. Maybe a one and three hundred chance. 

Not good enough, Moon said. I need to be there. 

I'll keep her safe, Darkstalker. Even if it kills me. Eclipse declared. And it was true. Eclipse was ready to lay down her life for Moon. The world would be ok without her in it just the same. 

Eclipse tried to focus on the distant echo of Icicle instead of the thought that this may very well be her last day alive. Where was she going? The rage was clear enough, but her surroundings were not. Eclipse concentrated and heard Not here. . . not here. . .

"Their not in their sleeping quarters," Eclipse said allowed. "She has to look for them somewhere else." 

"She could have killed Clay in the prey center," Qibli pointed out. "So why didn't she?"

"I think - I think she didn't want to do it in front of Winter," Moon said, stopping and pressing on her temples. "And Clay is the biggest. Maybe she wants to kill off the easiest ones first. Sunny?"

"Sunny's not that easy to kill," said Qibli. 

"Starflight," they all said simultaneously, and whirled to race to the library. 

Icicle got their first. 

Moon, Qibli, and Eclipse burst in to find her silently creeping up on Starflight. Her lethally sharp claws were outstretched and her jaw was moving, calling up the deadly IceWing frostbreath. When she saw them, her eyes widened and flicked from them to Starflight and back. The blind NightWing was crouched in a corner, sorting scrolls by touching the stamps on the edges, but he raised his head in Eclipse's direction. 

"Starflight, look out!" Qibli shouted. 

Icicle leapt forward and landed on Starflight's back. He yelled with pain, and she wrenched him around so his body was between her and the others. Her talons wrapped around his throat and her wings pinned to his sides. 

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