Chapter 17

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Don't react, Darkstalker cautioned. Eclipse kept herself still, although she felt like she just got slapped in the chest by a SeaWing tail full force. Flame was glaring at everyone viciously now, eyeing all the NightWings with particular suspicion. 

How did he do that? Eclipse asked Darkstalker. I've never met anyone who could do that before.

I don't think he knew exactly what was happening, Darkstalker said. I don't want to risk probing deeper while he's on the defensive like that. But I suspect he just felt. . . a presence, let's say. He can't be sure it was a mind reader. Especially if you stay calm. 

Eclipse wasn't sure she could accomplish that; no one in this entire cave was calm. 

But to her relief, a moment later, Sunny announced, "That's all we had to say. Please come see us if you feel like you want to leave, or if you have any questions. There are no classes today, but we're all here to take groups out hunting or swimming or flying, and the art and music caves are both open. We'll let you know what we decide about tomorrow."

She turned to Clay, and the students became a milling mob of whispers and flashing teeth. Moon was able to slip through the crowd and back to Qibli and Eclipse. 

"Are you alright?" he asked immediately, ducking his head to study Moon's face. He steered her into a corner, carefully not touching her, and spread his wings to shield them from the other dragons. Eclipse was stood next to him, looking at Moon and feeling quite uncomfortable with the warmth coming off of Qibli. He must have been focusing to much on his own thoughts and Moon to notice though. 

I wonder if reading minds is tiring. Is it an infinite resource, or is it a power that drains as she uses it? His mind wondered. Or is it like a muscle that gets stronger the more she exercises it? Sure wish I'd had a skill like that when I was living at home; could have dodged a few more attacks from Sirocco and Rattlesnake. Maybe could have figured out how to make Mum like me. Moon looks like she's been slammed into a mountain. "You look. . . tired." he said diplomatically. 

"I just had a weird experience in Flame's head," Moon said in a low voice. "It's horrible in there."

"It was like being stuck in ink," Eclipse offered. Moon nodded slowly, sighing. 

"So he did it?" Qibli asked. His tail flicked up in a stabbing position and his brain went, Did he bring the cactus from the Sky Kingdom or find it somewhere near Jade Mountain and how long he been planning this how did Scarlet choose him and -

"No, no, stop," Moon rushed. "I don't think it was him. I don't think it was any of them."

"They all spoke as if they wanted to know who did," Eclipse added. 

"Camel farts," Qibli cursed. "They all seemed like perfect suspects."

"Yes," Moon agreed. "They may all still do something terrible, just not this particular thing."

Qibli squinted at Moon. "Was that a prophecy? Did you have visions of them?"

Moon shook her head. "Just guessing."

Qibli swiveled his head around to watch Icicle parading out of the hall with the other IceWings trailing behind her. "If you know that. . ." he said thoughtfully. "If you had a list of the dragons with the darkest thoughts, you could keep track of them. You could check their minds everyday and catch them if they're planning something. You'd know who to keep an eye on." Like Thorns potential enemies list, but even more targeted, with more inside information, he mused.

"That, um," Moon started. "That seems kinda wrong, doesn't it?"

"Not if you catch a killer doing it," Eclipse said. 

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