Chapter 13

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Eclipse was thrown backwards, crashing against Moon, rolling across the floor and into a wall. She wasn't sure if she lost consciousness for a moment or if her eyes were full of smoke. She couldn't hear anything other than a high pitched ringing in both ears. She could see Kinkajou screaming at the edge of the flames, but there was no sound.

Everything was coming through loud and clear in her head though. Most of it was panicked, wordless images and fear, cascading faster and faster until Eclipse felt as if she couldn't be any more afraid or it would kill her. 

Listen to me, Darkstalker said commandingly. I'm the calmest voice you can hear. Use me as your anchor. I'll keep talking until you calm down. Think about your heart beating. Remember that you are safe. Look around you. 

Eclipse blinked back at the billowing black smoke that was pouring out of the history cave. A burning scroll rolled out, stopping just before Moons talons. Eclipse searched Moon's face and body. She looked okay. 

Eclipse couldn't move. Her body refused to pick itself off the floor no matter how hard she tried to make it. Shards of glass from the broken light globes were scattered all over the floor. Winter was running towards her while Qibli ran to Moon. Turtle was pressed to the tunnel wall beyond them; behind him, two dragons were approaching. Only a few seconds had passed. 

Kinkajou is safe, Darkstalker said. Qibli is safe. Winter and the SeaWing, regrettably, are safe. 

Eclipse couldn't clear her mind enough to question why it was regrettable Winter and Turtle survived. She could barely keep her eyes open. 

"Eclipse!" Winter skidded to a stop in front of her, reaching for her shoulders and tensing when Eclipse winced. "What was that?" 

"We have to get them out of here," Qibli said, sliding his wing under one of Moon's and helping her up. "The smoke -" he broke off in a fit of coughing. 

Eclipse felt cold scales lift her off the ground and cradle her against a chest, her wing thrown over a back. She winced again and groaned in pain. Her back felt as if a thousand Perils had just raked their claws against her spine and shoulders. 

"But Tamarin - Carnelian -" Moon gasped. 

"What do we do?" Kinkajou yelled. "What do we do?"

Winter and Eclipse staggered a few steps forward and the two approaching dragons came into focus: Sora and Umber. 

Sora's eyes were wild and terrified, and her mind was a mess of mud and battle flashbacks. 

Focus on my voice, Darkstalker continued. Don't let yourself fall in. She steadied herself against his constant murmuring. 

"I'm going- . . . help-" Eclipse couldn't focus on what Umber was saying as she fell in and out of consciousness. 

Eclipse shook herself, willing herself not to pass out as the chaos around her continued. 

"Is anyone hurt?" Sora squeaked. "Where's Icicle?"

"She's all right, she wasn't inside," Moon said. She twisted around, seemingly looking for something. 

"At least two dragons were in there," she felt Winter grumble. Eclipse felt sick. Tamarin. Carnelian. 

"Stand clear," a voice shouted, footsteps thumping toward them. Eclipse flinched into Winter as the ferocious heat of Perils mind swept through her head, a moment before Peril herself come charging through the smoke. She didn't stop to look at them; she ran straight into the burning cave. 

"Three moons," Kinkajou whispered frantically, clutching her talons together. 

A minute later Peril's smoking wings appeared, and she backed out of the cave, dragging someone behind her. She pulled the burned dragonet level with Eclipse and the others, then laid her on the stone floor and ran back into the cave. 

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