Chapter 10 - All You Need Is Cake

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Katrina and Laney had seen the cake before it was on the news.

"Kin and Kon will want the cake, to get the cake we'll need to perform there," the redhead said.

"It seems like the type of occasion that would want a duet more than a band," Katrina stated, "you and-"

"Okay, I got it. As much as I would love that, it's not fair to the twins."

"Alright, but I'll still try and help you get the gig. It might be hard to get a love song, Trina's upset about her sweater."

"I don't even want to know."

"No, it's complicated and weird."

"She'll want to sabotage us once she knows we're trying to play there."

Katrina couldn't see any other way around it; she'd have to go behind Laney's back and work on her own plot.

The wedding would only take a duet, and Trina wouldn't be stopped.


Trina did prevent the band from being able to perform the wedding, but Laney salvaged the situation by saying her and Corey were in love.

If only getting someone to realise they're in love with you was so easy.

Katrina had thought all the romantic things Laney and Corey were doing would spark something, but Laney reported back that Kin and Kon ruined it all.

And to make it worse, she'd accidentally driven them away.

"This is why it can't work with me and Corey, the band comes first and I forgot that. And I feel terrible."

Katrina gasped. "That's it! You can still get a duet AND your friends back! But you won't like what you have to do..."

"If it gets Kin and Kon back with the band, I'll do anything."


If Laney had known Katrina's plan involved having to wear an itchy sweater, she wouldn't have said that.

But when Trina saw her beloved sweater had a new owner, she went diary just as Katrina had predicted.

It gave Corey and Laney the lyrics to a sad but sweet duet that won back the hearts of the twins.

So maybe Katrina's secret plot to get a certain duo together hadn't quite worked, but she wouldn't give up that easily.

And the band did technically get that gig, and definitely got the cake.

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