A walk with Yue x reader

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"Y/N, do you want to go for a walk with me?" Yue asked, her blue eyes sparkling.

"Sure," you replied, feeling a thrill of excitement run through you. You loved spending time with Yue, especially in the beautiful North Pole.

The two of you walked through the snow-covered landscape, enjoying the peaceful silence of the frozen tundra. You talked about everything and nothing, just enjoying each other's company.

As you walked, you couldn't help but steal glances at Yue. She was so beautiful, with her long white hair and sparkling blue eyes. You felt your heart swell with love for her.

As you walked, you came across a frozen pond. Yue smiled and took your hand, leading you over to the edge of the ice.

"Look," she said, pointing to the fish swimming under the ice.

You laughed, feeling a sense of joy at the simple pleasure of being with her. "That's so cool."

Yue turned to you and smiled, her eyes shining with love. "You're cool."

You blushed, feeling your heart skip a beat. "No, you're cool."

The two of you laughed, feeling the happiness of being together. You leaned in and kissed her, feeling all the love and affection you had for her pouring out of you.

As the kiss ended, Yue smiled at you. "I like you."

"I like you too," you said, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. "More than like even."

The two of you stood there for a few more minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

*requested by @Slimey_Toenails5*

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