Kai x reader kidnapped

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Y/n P.O.V

I was out grocery shopping for my family.

I was picking out some meat from the meat section, when I saw a cute tan boy running towards my direction.

The boy ran over and hid behind me.

"Excuse me young girl, have you seen a boy, yay tall, wearing earth kingdom clothing, hair shaved both sides?" Asked one of the guards.

I point left. They thanked me as they ran the direction I pointed to.

"Hey, thanks for helping me. I'm Kai." The boy says sticking out his hand for me to shake.

I shake his hand. "Y/n."

"So why were those guys chasing you?" I ask.

"Oh, huh, I stole some things." Kai says, looking down at the ground.

I didn't dare say anything else, maybe he was going through some things.

I pay for my groceries and Kai and I begin walking.

Kai stomach started to growl, he looked away in embarrassment.

"Here." I said to Kai, digging into my bag, handing him a fruit.

"Thanks." He smiles taking a bite into the fruit.

It's been 2 hours since I've meet Kai and it feels like I've known him for years. I think I have a tiny crush on him.

We were out exploring Ba Sing Se, when all of a sudden the guards from earlier started chasing us.

"Hey, get back here." They yell.

Kai flew off, before I could bolt out of the situation one of the guards had earthbended my feet to the ground, I sighed in defeat.

The guard loaded me up on his motorcycle and drove away.

Kai P.O.V

"Phew, that was close, right Y/n? Y/n?" I turn around now realizing she wasn't with me.

I start to panic. "Ohh, this is all my fault, I have to go find her."

I dashed through the crowd. I eventually saw two familiar motorcycles, one with a girl, a (hair length) haired girl. I squint my eyes and see that it's Y/n. I sigh in relief.

I run over to the motorcycles. I blast a wind of air at them, the motorcycles go flying and so does everyone on it.

I jump in the air and grab Y/n, before she hits the ground and sprint off.

Y/n P.O.V

"Kai, I was so scared, I thought you weren't going to come back for me." I say sobbing into Kai shoulder.

"Shhh." Kai says stroking my hair.

I look up at him and our eyes meet eachother, we both lean in, sharing a quick kiss.

We both pull away blushing.

"Um, I'll see you around Y/n." He says walking away.

"Wait!" I say running after him.

"Promise you'll come to my house tomorrow." I say.

"Of course." He responds kissing my cheek.

"Do you have anywhere to stay? I have extra rooms and my parents don't mind." I say to him.

"Yeah I'd like that." Kai says intertwining our hands together.


Bro hopefully this chapter wasn't to bad because I was lowkey struggling trying to write this😭😭

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