Sokka x reader operation boling rock pt.2

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Sokka P.O.V

"What did I do something wrong?" Suki asks, standing up from her bed.

"You mean you don't recognize me?" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"You people all look the same to me." Suki says looking away.

"Oh? So maybe you'll recognize this," I say going in for a hug, but before I could touch her, she slams me against the cell making my helmet fall off.

"Ow." I groan.

"Sokka! it's you!" Suki says running over to me, giving me a hug.

I blush in embarrassment because I was about to give her some bad news, she'll probably hate me forever.

She helps me stand up.

"Where are the other kyoshi warriors? Are they in here." I ask.

"No, they locked me up because I'm their leader." She says.

"Well I'm busting you out."

"I'm so glad to see you, Sokka. I knew you'd come."
She leans in and kisses me, before I could even react I heard a knock on the door and I quickly pull away.

I hear mumbling against the cell. "Step aside fool, hey hey, what are you doing?"

I put on my helmet and slip through the door quickly.

"Guard help! I think he's an imposter." The lady guard yells. "Ahh arrest him."

I slowly walk over to Zuko and slam him against the floor.

"You're under arrest! Don't worry, I'll figure it out." I whisper to Zuko as the guards and I walk him out.

Y/n P.O.V

"Oh, good, you guys have met." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Actually we've met a long time ago." Suki says.

We did?" Zuko questions.

"Yeah, you kind of burnt down my village." Suki says raising her voice a little.

Zuko stops mopping. "Oh, sorry about that, nice to meet you again."

I couldn't help but laugh. Zuko was always an awakened child.

Sokka turns his head to me. "Y/n?" He says running to me lifting me up into a hug, spinning me. I let out a giggle.

"Uh you too, know eachother?" Suki asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"Uh, oh." I hear Sokka mutter to Zuko.

"Yeah this is Sokka, the boy I was telling you about half an hour ago." I say raising my eyebrows.

"Well this is THE SOKKA, I was telling you about earlier today." Suki says.

"Uh, let me explain." Sokka says.

"Then explain." Suki and I both say insync.

Oh, he explained all right. I turn around and see Suki staring daggers at me, then suddenly she launches towards me and I chi block her making her knock out for a couples of hours.

"You see Sokka, this is what happens when you try to be a player." Zuko says.

I sigh. "So, what's the plan?"

He explains the plan to Zuko and I.

"Yeah, how are you going to get the cooler out?" Says a prisoner that was listening to our conversation.

"What! We didn't say that." Sokka says looking around.

The dude finally convinced us to let him on with the escape plan.

Let me tell you the plan completely failed, but the good news was that we found Sokka father.

Oh and Suki and I resolved our problem, I kind of felt bad because I stole her "boyfriend"

She was totally okay with it, I think. She also invited me to join the kyoshi warriors with her and of course I said yes.

I was in my cell practicing some of my moves when my cell door opened.

"Sokka what's going on?" I ask.

Sokka gestures his hands for me to lower my voice.

I roll my eyes.

"I don't have enough time, if I'm seen with you, the guards might think somethings up. I just talked to my dad," he continues.

"That's great." I say.

"Yeah, and we're on the gondola."

We'll never make it over the gondola, they're too many guards." I say taking Sokka's hands off my shoulders.

"My dad already thought of that, he said we'll need a distraction, that's why we're going to start a prison riot." He says pumping his hand into the air.

I look at him unamused.

We hear the other cells start opening.

"I have to go." Sokka says.

I launch towards him giving him a hug, he gives me a quick kiss.

"I'll find you before we start the riot." He says.

By a miracle we made it out alive, barley.

We were now heading towards the air temple.

"What are you doing in this thing?" I hear a girl yell. "What happen to the war balloon."

"It kinda got destroyed." Zuko smiles.

"Sounds like a crazy fishing trip." A kid with arrows says.

"Did you at least get any meat?" The younger girl asks.

"I did, the best meat of all, the meat of friendship and fatherhood."

We all walk of the balloon.

"I'm new." Chit Sang said.

"What's up everyone." I say walking over to Sokka.

He kisses my cheek.

The gaang looked at us dumbfounded, looking between Sokka, Suki, and I.

"It's a long story." Zuko, Chit Sang, Hakoda, Sokka, Suki and I all say.


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