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It was a Sunday during Christmas break when Ella decided to go get some Christmas-inspired coffee to get into the Christmas mood. She bought her coffee and was walking home when a butterfly's wing brushed up against her face causing her to be blinded for a second. She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk causing a brown-eyed boy to run into her. Her coffee went all over the sidewalk and partially on her shoes.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that", the brown-eyed boy said. Ella was in shock. She didn't say anything. She couldn't say anything. Not only was her coffee gone, but the boy who knocked it out of her hands was attractive and talking to her. He looked to be her age and was athletic. The girl didn't have much experience with boys except her 'boyfriend' in second grade which technically didn't count.

She was brought out of her thoughts when the boy said, "I'll buy you a new coffee". He said this with a smirk on his face and with a tone that meant he wasn't gonna do it for free.

"Why do I get the feeling that there's a catch", Ella said knowing the boy wanted something from her.

The boy smiled and said, "I'll get you a new coffee - for your number and your name".

Ella said yes and this was the start of their friendship. It consisted of one-sided flirting coming from Josiah, jokes from the both of them, and lots of laughter. They hang out at Ella's house when they want a quiet setting and at Josiah's house when they want entertainment. Josiah has 4 brothers and 2 sisters which is a lot to deal with in one house. There's Micah, who is emotional at times; Judah, who is stupid but funny; Elijah, who takes care of everyone; Daniel, who is just a mix of his brothers; Josiah, who always flirts with Ella; Mary, who is annoying; and Shiloh, their younger sister. I guess you can assume they hang out a lot at Ella's house. They are just friends, but that's just what Ella says.

Hey guys!! I hope you like my story!! The videos will start next chapter and there will be some non videos scattered in between them. If there are any spelling or grammar mistakes please comment and lmk! Also if there is anything you want me to add please lmk!! I think you guys should know that some of the chapters are very short while others are very long.

Anyways please vote and thanks for reading!

Through The Dark - Josiah NelsonWhere stories live. Discover now