If everything was like among us 6:

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"It's Among Us time", Josiah screamed throughout the ship. Ella laughed at her best friend as she checked her phone to find her role. This time, they would be watching the cruise ship instead of the past two houses they watched. Ella looked down to see the unfamiliar red letters that spelled out 'imposter'. She was excited since she's been a crewmate the last two times. Ella went to the kitchen to commit her first crime. She looked in the cabinets and found cereal and bowls.

"Perfect", she said to herself as she pulled both the cereal and the bowl down from the cabinet. She picked out every marshmallow from the box of lucky charms leaving the nasty wheat things. Ella ate some of the marshmallows, but she heard someone coming so she fled the crime scene leaving the cereal and a bowl out for someone to find. After leaving the kitchen, Ella was brought to the emergency meeting table. Everyone said the usual, 'where' and drew their attention toward Shiloh.

"Someone ate the marshmallows out of the lucky charms and now it's just the boring wheat things", Shiloh said and everyone groaned at the crime. Ella was actually a pretty good actor; she groaned alongside everyone else while hiding her smile.

"Is anyone sus?" Elijah says, stepping forward. Everyone slowly turned towards Judah since he is usually the one to accuse someone first.

"Judah, is anyone sus?" Ella asked him so that she could blend in with the others and not seem too quiet.

"Nope, no one's sus today", Judah says with a look that says it's hurting him to say this.

"Not even red, red's not even a little bit sus?" Micah asks Judah.

"No, no, red isn't sus", Judah says and then he covers his mouth with his elbow and screams. Everyone still hears it. He then turns back towards everyone and says, "I'm good".

"That's weird", Shiloh pauses, "Since we don't have any evidence, I say we skip". Everyone skips and Shiloh passes out tasks. Ella grabs a task card and shoves it into the pocket of her yellow jumpsuit.

"I won't be needing that", Ella says to herself as she heads outside to the front of the ship.

She passes by Josiah to hear him say, "Girls love a guy in uniform".

She laughed at him and said, "do they really? cause I don't" She didn't hear his response because she was in a hurry to find someone alone to throw out or an empty room to commit a crime in. She walks into a room that seems empty until she sees Micah and Jocelyn doing a task. She sneaks up behind him and Jocelyn sees her.

Jocelyn keeps tapping Micah's head saying, "Micah, Micah, Micah", but Micah ignores her and decides to focus on finishing his task.

"Jocelyn, what is it?" Micah says finally taking his eyes off of his task.

"There's an imposter", Jocelyn says feeling defeated.

"What", Micah stutters in shock, "you know I'm starting to think we might not be the greatest crewmate". Ella takes this as her chance to throw Micah out. She smiles as this was the first time she has gotten to do that. She vented to get away from the crime scene. Her strategy was to keep Josiah alive so that she could persuade him to vote her way in the final 3. She walks into a room with Josiah and Daniel doing tasks. She started faking a task when an emergency meeting was called, sending everyone to the emergency meeting table. Everyone said 'where' and 'why'.

"Someone pushed Micah into the waaaa", Elijah said, noticing that three people were missing, "Someone took out three people". Everyone gasped in shock. 'Dang, the other imposters must be good', Ella thought to herself.

"Guys, is anyone sus?" Elijah asks, desperate for an answer.

"Red's sus, she's the imposter", Judah screams out of nowhere.

"No, it's Judah. He HAS to be the imposter", Britney replies.

"No, I know it's her because WE were in the vents together", Judah says thinking he was smart. He realizes what he did when he hears everyone gasp. Judah tries to save himself, "I mean in the crewmate vents. Where the... crewmates hang out". Everyone votes out Judah and soon after Britney. They were both imposters. Do you remember when Ella thought the other imposters were good? Well, she took that thought back immediately.

"I guess I'll have to do this by myself", Ella thought to herself. She was trying to find Daniel so she could throw him out when she ended up walking behind Josiah. They passed by Elijah who seemed to be faking a task at the vending machine.

"If you're gonna fake a task, pick a real one", Josiah said to Elijah as he passed by.

"Yeah c'mon Elijah", Ella said as she passed by.

Ella was about to leave Josiah by himself when he called out to her, " Ella, where are you going?"

Ella panicked, she wasn't sure what to say. She had to say something. "Umm, I have a task in another room. Gotta go", Ella said, zooming out of the room.

"Weird", Josiah said and he just bruised off Ella's weird behavior.

Two meetings later, Ella had taken out Daniel and everyone had voted out Ruthie which left Ella, Elijah, and Josiah. Ella could win. Her plan had worked. Now, it was time to put it in motion. Right after Ruthie was thrown out, Josiah ran to the emergency meeting table and pressed the button which brought the three to the table.

"Guys, It's one of us three", Josiah says worriedly as he looks at Elijah and Ella.

"This is our last chance to get it right", Elijah says. The three began to look at each other when Ella had an idea of how to persuade Josiah.

"Josiah, remember when I said I didn't like your uniform? Well, I changed my mind. I think you look really handsome", Ella said touching Josiah's arm, her acting on point.

"Anyways, I think it's Elijah", the girl continued.

Josiah giggled and said, "Okay". Ella knew her plan was working but she just had to make sure Elijah didn't ruin it.

"Josiah, we were together the whole time. You know I'm safe", Elijah tried to reason with Josiah.

"Are you though?" Josiah asked and this just made the smile on Ella's face grow.

"I mean, we did see him faking the vending machine task", Ella said with a smirk.

"You're just voting for me because you like her. Aren't you?" Elijah said, accepting defeat. Ella and Josiah both vote for Elijah, throwing him off the boat. Ella is ecstatic. She did it, her plan worked. She and Josiah were waiting to see if Elijah was the imposter while Ella just stared at Josiah with a huge smirk on her face.

From outside the boat, Ella could hear Shiloh say, "We need to get those two together". Ella laughed thinking about the possibility for a second when she was brought back to reality.

"Elijah... was... not the imposter", Josiah says, turning toward Ella to see a huge grin on her face.

"Do you really think I look handsome?" Josiah asked hoping she would say yes.

"Nope, I was lying", Ella said with a smile still on her face, "I'll let you jump off".

"Aww, how nice of you", Josiah says jumping off of the boat. Ella, Britney, and Judah were inside celebrating and dancing. Ella was so happy, she had made it to the end as an imposter which was a lot harder than being a crewmate. Hell, She couldn't even do it as a crewmate. She laughed to herself at the irony.

Meanwhile, outside of the ship:

"We were so close. If you would have just voted your little 'girlfriend' out, we would have won", Micah said.

"I wish she was my girlfriend", Josiah said thinking of how much he would love that. He's had a crush on Ella since they met. He just doesn't think it will happen since Ella shows no physical attraction to him. He wishes she would like him the way he likes her. Little does Josiah know that Ella adores him. She loves the compliments he gives her as well as all the couple-like things they do together. She loves his smile, his braces, and pretty much everything about him. She just hasn't really realized it yet, that's all.


Through The Dark - Josiah NelsonWhere stories live. Discover now