Bridge 7

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"Hey Jo, what are you doing today?" Ella called Josiah to hang out because she was bored and didn't have anything to do that day.

"I'm sorry Elle, I'm busy today", Josiah said.

"Oh, that's okay. What are you doing?" Ella said, wondering what her boyfriend was doing.

Josiah panicked. He couldn't tell her what he was doing, he wanted it to be a surprise, "Umm, I can't tell you".

Ella had no idea why he couldn't tell her and was worried, "Jo, you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. You'll find out later", Josiah replied hoping she would understand.

"How long until later?" Ella whined.

Josiah laughed, "I promise I'll tell you soon".

"Okay, you know I'm gonna be nervous all day", Ella said.

"You shouldn't be nervous", Josiah reassured the girl.

"I'll be nervous unless you tell me", Ella tried to get the boy to tell her what he was doing, but it didn't work.

"Nice try Elle, but I've got to go. Don't be too nervous", Josiah said.

"I'll try", Ella said.

"Alright, bye Elle", Josiah said.

"Bye Jo", Ella said sadly. She was confused as to why Josiah wouldn't tell her what he was doing. He always updates her on his personal life which is weird because he didn't this time. Josiah wanted to tell her, but it would ruin the surprise. Ella got lucky when Micah's girlfriend, Ava, asked her to hang out. If it wasn't for Ava, Ella would have been thinking about Josiah all day. She was grateful that she had a distraction from him and was very excited to hang out with Ava. Josiah had told Micah to get someone to make sure Ella was at her house when Josiah would be ready to surprise her. Micah had called Ava and that was her job: to make sure Ella stayed home.
"Are you sure she's home?" Josiah asked Micah as they were driving toward Ella's house to surprise her.

"Yes, she's home. Look", Micah said, showing Josiah a snap from Ava that showed both Ava and Ella sitting on the couch in Ella's house.

"You've asked that like 5 times already. Why are you so nervous?" Shiloh asked her brother.

"I don't know. I just am", Josiah said, overthinking.

"She's gonna like it. I know she will", Shiloh said referring to Ella, "I can tell she loves you from the way she talks about you, looks at you, and even the way she acts around you. She's gonna love it. I promise".

"Look, even if she hates it, it's gonna be okay because you still have us", Micah said, trying to help his brother but he failed miserably. The other two siblings gave Micah the death stare.

"You're not helping Micah", Josiah said struggling to stay focused on the road.

"What did I do?" Micah asked clueless.

"Just shut up", Shiloh said, "We're here".

Josiah was standing outside of Ella's house ready to surprise her. Shiloh was behind him filming for her Youtube channel. He knocked on the door, nervous about his girlfriend's reaction.

"Who's at the door?" Ava asked Ella as Ella began to walk toward the door. Ava knew exactly who it was because Micah had just snapped her telling her they were here.

"I'm not sure, one sec", Ella said as she opened the door to see her boyfriend standing there. "Jo, What are you doing here?" She smiled before she realized something was different. "Wait, something's different", Ella said trying to figure out what it was that was different about her boyfriend. Josiah had the biggest smile showing off his teeth that were now braces-free. The girl was scanning her boyfriend's face when she stopped, looking at his smile.

He was about to respond when Ella interrupted him, "OMG, YOU GOT YOUR BRACES OFF". Ella hugged her boyfriend extremely tight and Josiah hugged her back. They stopped hugging and she held his hands so that she could see him better. "They look so good. Oh my gosh" Ella said, still in shock.

"So, do you like your surprise?" Shiloh asked the girl.

"Yes, I was very surprised", Ella said to the camera with a goofy smile.
Ava had left with Micah and Shiloh to give the couple some alone time. Josiah wanted to hang out with Ella since he had left her all day. The two were sitting on the couch with a blanket over both of them.

"So, that's where you were all day", Ella said, putting the pieces together.

"Yes, and I'm sorry for leaving you. I figured the surprise would make up for it though", Josiah said.

"I mean, I guess it did", Ella paused to see Josiah's face drop, "But I know something that definitely will". Ella had a mischievous look on her face making Josiah question what she was up to. "A kiss", Ella said with the biggest smile on her face. Josiah rolled his eyes and kissed his girlfriend without hesitation. The kiss was different for Ella since Josiah didn't have braces anymore. It felt weird, but she would have to get used to it. He would have to do the same when she gets her braces off. Ella pulled away because of the weirdness of the kiss.

"What? Is it my teeth?" Josiah asked.

"It's ... different", Ella said laughing. Josiah gave the girl a wet kiss on the cheek and Ella pulled away immediately . "Stop, that's gross Jo", She said, running away from him. Josiah chased the girl around her house until Ella slipped in the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" Josiah asked between laughs. Ella was laughing even though she fell pretty hard.

"Yeah, I'm good", the girl said as Josiah helped her up. Ella had forgotten why she was running, but Josiah didn't. He gave the girl another kiss and Ella tried to pull away but she couldn't. She eventually gave in and kissed her boyfriend back.


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