Ch 4. Nightmares

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"Are we just uh.. not gonna talk about what happened earlier?" Mike says. They had gotten home from the movie a while ago and Will tried to avoid Mike the best he could because he knew he would ask that. "Why? It doesn't matter." Will says as he walks into his room, Mike walking right behind him. "It does matter." Mike argues. "Why does it matter Mike?!" Will says, yelling a bit. "Because, Will, it doesn't make sense for you to be that upset with me and El being close! Me and her are dating." He says, trying not to raise his voice too much like Will did. "I-I can't tell you why." Wills voice getting quiet now. "Why? Why can't you." Mike sits next to Will on his bed, putting his hand on Wills. "Why?" He repeats. The other boy just sniffles and wipes his tears. Mike, hating when Will cries, hugs him. Will hugs him, his hands holding onto the back of Mikes shirt as if his life depended on it. The tears just keep coming. Mike not knowing exactly why Will is crying but just wanting to comfort him, he also knows how sometimes he will just cry for no reason. He thought that's what this was.


The boys get ready for bed while El is practicing braiding her hair. She says it looked cool on Max last year and now that her hair is long like hers she wants to try it. Joyce is showing her how and hopper is with them trying to help. Jonathan is trying to braid Argyles hair because they both are bored. All of them gathered in El's room while Mike and Will are in Wills room close by. "Is this good?" Jonathan asks, everyone starts laughing. "What?!" He asks. "Jonathan, that doesn't even look close to a braid." Joyce laughs. "It's not my fault! You're the one teaching us!" Jonathan puts his hands up.

In the other room Mike and Will are playing truth or dare because they gave up on trying to sleep. "Okay, Will, truth or dare?" He asks him. Will thinks for a minute, "truth." The boy says. "Ok boring and uh.. what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?" Mike asks. "You remember that time when Troy tripped me?" He asks. "Yeah." Mike replies. "Well I tried to tell him to leave me alone, trying to stand up for myself and uh.. that was super embarrassing and everyone laughed at me." Will explains. "They're all jerks!" Mike says. Will laughs, "you think?" There's silence and then they both start laughing to the point where their face hurts and they are on the floor. Everyone in El's room hears it and starts laughing to at how loud it is and how stupid the two boys are.

After staying up a little bit everyone decides to go to bed.


"MIKE!" Will cries, he runs to his friend who's laying on the floor, passed out. "Will, you can help him. He's hurt and it's all your fault." Vecna walks towards him. Vecna puts his hand out, making Will go against the tree behind him. Will groans from the pain of his body hitting the hard wood. "Right now, he's only passed out. I can kill him. He doesn't care about you Will. He doesn't love you. He thinks you're annoying and wishes that you did die that day." Vecna walks closer to Will, looking at Mike a few times. "That's not true." Will fights. He then watches as Vecna steps over to Mike who's awake now, he does the same thing he did with Will except he gets closer and closer. He puts his hand over Mikes face and does the same thing he does to the rest of his victims. Mike screams Wills name over and over. "WILL! WILL?! WILL!"

"Will! Will! Will wake up!!" Mike shakes Will who's breathing is uneven and is moving around. Mike had gotten woke up by the sound of Wills breathing. Will opens his eyes and quickly sits up, panicking. He looks at Mike who is next to him and has a worried look on his face. Will tries to talk but he can't. His breathing still uneven. Mike grabs Wills hand and puts it to his heart, he starts to inhale and exhale, breathing so that Will can try to get his breathing the same. After a few minutes it works and his breathing is no longer uneven. "T-thanks." Will looks down, pulling his hand away from Mikes chest. He feels like a little kid having nightmares. Will is still shaking and Mike pulls him closer and hugs him, Will hugs him back. Mike decides he's gonna stay in the bed with Will. "Goodnight." He says. "Goodnight. Sorry for waking you up." The other boy says. "Will, it's okay." He tells him. They both fall asleep in a few minutes.

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