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Mike had been thinking about Will more than normal. He wanted to tell Will how he felt, he really did. He was just scared how he would react. Will and them were gonna stay at Mikes house while they were moving into their new house, it was closest to Mikes house.

"So when he gets here you are going to help move the boxes and help set up a little bit." Karen said. "Okay." He replied. He went down to the basement and called Lucas. "Hey dude, do you wanna hang out today? I don't have anything else to do and Dustin is busy." Mike says. "Yeah sure, we could go to the arcade or something." Lucas suggests. Mike thinks before answering, "yeah that sounds like a good idea, see ya!" Mike says before hanging up the phone. He needs to get his mind off of Will.

*hours later, California*

There was only a few more days until they left for Hawkins and Will was nervous. Sure he'd seen them already but it's been months since that visit.

Will had spent the past weeks packing and making sure the stuff went in the right boxes. He couldn't believe he was going back. Especially because he got to spend a little bit of the first week at Mikes house. From their new house Mikes house was fast to get to if Will rode his bike.

"Will! Do you have anything else you don't wanna keep?!" Joyce yelled from downstairs. "No!!" He yelled back. It was getting late so everyone was pretty tired. Jonathan and Argyle were already passed out. Joyce was gonna go to bed soon, Hopper was already about to fall asleep, and Will was getting ready for bed. El was asleep in her room.

"I'm gonna go to bed Mom, goodnight!" Will said, halfway down the stairs. "Goodnight sweetie!" She said, kissing his forehead.

*a few days later!*

They had finally made it to Hawkins, Mike had been waiting for them and when he saw their car he ran straight to Will. He hugged him and Will hugged back. Jonathan and Nancy were happy to see each other. They weren't gonna start unpacking until the next day so today they were just gonna watch movies at Mikes house, the rest of the party would be coming over for a little bit but other than that it would just be Mike and Will.

"Will!" Holly said, she ran towards Will and he picked her up and hugged her. "Mike hasn't stopped talking about you!" She says. Mike blushes and looks down. Will laughs, blushing a little bit too. Holly goes back to the house and a few minutes later everyone else goes back inside too. The party wouldn't be there for another hour so Will and Mike were just gonna watch a horror movie before they arrived. "Hmm, I think this one might be good?" Mike said as he picked up a vhs. He started the movie and sat next to Will. Wills had gotten snacks for them while Mike looked through the horror movies he had.

*about 42 minutes in*

There was a jumpscare and both boys got scared, Will hiding his head into Mikes shoulder and Mike laughing even though he jumped. "Is this too scary for you?" Mike laughed. "Shut up!" Will jokingly pushed Mike, causing him to almost fall off the couch. "Rude!" They started laughing.

A little later the party arrived, they had decided to just watch another movie. This time Max had chose it. She chose another horror movie.

When Mike could tell Will was getting scared he wrapped his arm around him. They got closer and eventually Will laid his head on Mikes shoulder. Both boys blushed and when Max saw it she smiled, just like Holly, Max also had to hear Mike talk about Will all the time. The whole party did but especially Max.

Will was unsure if he should move away until he felt Mike lay his head on Wills. This caused him to smile, he tried to focus on the movie but he couldn't, his crush of so many years was almost cuddling him. His face turned even redder when Mike started  gently rubbing Wills hand with his thumb.

After the movie Will was super close to falling asleep, when Mike moved it woke him up a little, "Sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up, they're gonna leave soon so I was just gonna help clean up the mess, you can go back to sleep." Mike apologized. "No, it's okay, I can help." Will said. They cleaned up all the spilled popcorn but everyone was too tired to put all the blankets back in the closet so they just left them there. Everyone left and Mike and Will got ready to go to bed.

Will made a bed on the floor and laid down. Mike came in not soon after and got in bed.

"Goodnight Will." He said. "Goodnight." Will replied. Both boys couldn't stop thinking about earlier during the movie. Mike knew he had to tell Will how he felt and he would, he just didn't know when. But he knew he had to do it soon.

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