Prologue [ ii ] Little Girl along the Beach

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1964. Udupi, Mysore State.


'The glass shoe fits Cinderella's foot perfectly'

'And then?'

'The prince is overjoyed to have found his love, Cinderella. He looks into her eyes, and says, "I found you!" and takes her to the royal palace. The prince marries Cinderella and they live happily ever after'

Mrs. Kalpana closes the 'Cinderella for Kids' book, and smiles at her daughter.

They are seated on oversized cane chairs, facing the open courtyard of the Mangalore tile-roof house. Droplets of water drip slowly from the edges of the sloping roof. There is a tall tulsi plant at the centre of the courtyard. The fresh smell of wet soil lingers in the air.

'Mamma' Little Gauri looks at her mother, looking rather unimpressed for a four-year-old girl. 'Why does the prince save the girl?'

Mrs. Kalpana furrows her eyebrows at this question.

'Why doesn't the girl save a prince?' she asks, shaking her legs, which causes the tiny bells in her silver anklets to jingle with great gusto.

Mrs. Kalpana doesn't know of any such fairytale. She hasn't read English storybooks. Naturally, she has no idea of how mermaid Ariel saved Prince Eric from drowning in the sea, or how Belle saved a prince from the curse of being a beast.

There weren't many English books sold in the small town she grew up in. And the old public library didn't stock any. The only English books she has ever read were for her MBBS degree at Mangalore Medical College. This Cinderella story is something she reading for the first time now, with her daughter. They had bought this book on the trip to Bangalore, a few weeks back.

'Never mind. When you grow up, you can write a story where the girl saves the prince' Kalpana tells soothingly.

Little Gauri ponders over this suggestion for a moment.

'No' She says decisively. 'I will not write a book'

'Why not, Baby?'

'I will really save a prince, when I am a big girl' Little Gauri reveals.

She is capable of that, Mrs. Kalpana agrees silently. Four years back, when Gauri was born, the astrologer looked at her horoscope with a fair sense of astonishment and said,

"This child shows many signs of Goddess Parvati Devi. She will be the voice of encouragement and freedom in this society. If she wants something, she will make sure she gets it. You know how Parvati married Lord Shiva after years and years of penance, right? Same way. But at times she might find it difficult to sustain the hardships of life. Only her husband, he must have the characteristics of Lord Shiva in his horoscope, mind you, can help her with this"

Thus, it only made sense for Mrs. Kalpana and her husband to name their little baby, Gauri; another name for Goddess Parvati, the supreme Hindu goddess of power, energy, and growth.

This has been proven time and again. Even during the bhootakola rituals in the city outskirts. Hundreds of people would gather to watch the spirits of nature being invoked, and bless them with prosperity. Fire would be blazing, and the nartaka all decked up with fearful red paint, huge head gear, flowers, and turmeric, would perform a fierce dance, roaring and screaming. Ear-shatteringly loud drums would be playing in the background. Children, big and small, would start crying until their cheeks turn red and their voices become sore.

But Gauri would stare unblinkingly, with big brown eyes, like it is the most amazing thing in the world.

'Mamma?' she says now.

Mrs. Kalpana shakes off her running thoughts and smiles.

'Of course, girls are the best. Right chinnu?' she asks, holding out her hand.

'Yes, yes, yes!' she jumps excitedly, and hi-fies her mother.


'Mom, why are we going to Bombo?' Little Gauri asks.

'Bombay, Baby'

'Why are we going?' she repeats.

Mrs. Kalpana doesn't answer. They walk along the shore of Maple Beach. The waves hit their feet, bringing light pink sea shells with them.

'I like Udupi' she tugs at her mother's pallu.

That is true, her mother admits inwardly. Anybody who is born amidst the scenic landscapes of the Tulunadu region; with the gushing blue waters of Maple Beach, the uneven rock formation of St. Mary's Island, lush green coconut trees lining the shores, Yakshanaga performance nights, Kambala race events, wouldn't ever want to step outside their little universe in the southwestern coast of Old Mysore state.

Little Gauri is no exception. She loves the foam-edged waves hitting her feet at Malpe Beach. She loves watching the sunset with her father at St. Mary's Island. And watching the tiny red light atop the faraway lighthouse once the sun sets down. She loves the special dishes made at home. Patrode, Chicken Sukka, and Goli bajje... and what not. Not to mention the special Mangalorean fish curry on the weekends, made with generous amounts of coconut milk and spices.

Of course, Mrs. Kalpana likes it here too. But her husband has got a job at a big hospital in Bombay. She has heard that there are something called 'Daycare Centres' in big cities like Bombay. They take care of the kids until their parents come home. That will work well for her to pursue her MD too.

'Bombay also has a beach. And you can go a biggg school'

But little Gauri is still not interested. 'Why are we leaving Udupi?'

'Because you can live your life' Kalpana speaks more to herself, rather than her four-year-old. The sun begins to set, painting thick lines of red, pink and orange in the sky.

'Mom, no Bombo' Little Gauri pouts, and stops walking.

'And you know what else you'll find there?' Mrs. Kaplana bends down to stroke Gauri's hair after a long moment of thought. 'In Bombay?'

Little Gauri looks at her mother uncertainly.

'You will find your prince. To save'

The little girl's eyes go wide. 'Really?'


Gauri's eyes gleam in excitement. 

'Bombay is called the city of dreams'

'Dreams' Little Gauri repeats gleefully, like it's a fantasy.

'Yes! Nice dreams. But only if you go to bed early like a good girl'

So, unlike other days, Gauri allows herself to be tucked into bed at 9'o clock, without any fuss. She huddles happily beneath the flowery blanket and drifts off to slumber.



So that was the end of the prologue. It was a small part about little Gauri just before she moved to Bombay.

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