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Four years later:

1990. Pune.

'I wanna see Amar, please call him!' Gauri cries as they wheel her stretcher toward the delivery room.

'We've informed him, baby' Her mother strokes her hair. 'He'll be on his way. Be strong, sweetie. Don't be scared. It'll be over before you know it'

'Please ask him to come soon! I wanna see him!' She cries in pain. 'Please!'

The elevator door opens and Amarnath rushes into the corridor. Mrs. Kalpana and Dr. Kailash breathe in relief and step aside to make way for him.

'Gauri' He clasps her hand, stroking her forehead.

'Amar!' She clutches his hand tight.

'I've come' He touches her cheek. I'm here, don't worry'

Her eyes well up. 'Amar, I wanna see you again ... I'll get to see you again, right?'

Amarnath goes numb, all the strength draining out of him at once.

'Of course, you'll see me again. W-What are you saying? ... '

'It hurts, Amar ... I-I can't take it!' She says, her scream echoing through the corridor. It sends a dreadful chill down his spine. 

'It is time' The lady doctor says and the nurses take the stretcher into the delivery room. hse turns to Mrs. Kalpana.

'Contractions have come one week before the given date. You are a gynac too. I'm sure you'll understand. We will try our best to avoid any complications. Please relax' She says and walks into the room, closing the door behind her.

Amarnath stands staring at the door, Gauri's screams ringing in his ears. She screams out ear-shatteringly again, her voice bursting through the door. He staggers back. He knows how she always rubs her hand whenever she slaps him on the shoulder, saying it hurts. And to listen to such a girl crying in pain like this ...

He turns around and walks, unable to think. One of the hospital staff offers fresh flowers to the brass Lord Ganesha idol in the alcove beside the staircase. Amarnath looks at it blankly and walks up to the alcove, his eyes red.

He folds his hands. Please don't take my Gauri away from me, please ... she's my life ... I can't live without her ... I don't want anything else ... just give me my wife ... please ... I won't ask for anything else ...

Mr. Kailash walks up to him, feeling feverish himself. 

'Nothing will happen, beta. Come' He touches his shoulder.

'I can't listen to it ... s-she's screaming in pain ... ' Amarnath's voice breaks.

'She'll be fine. Come, sit'

Amarnath shakes his head, not looking away from the idol. 'I'll be here'

Thirty slow, agonizing minutes and many more such screams later, there is the sound of a baby wailing.


'Does it still hurt?' Amarnath looks at Gauri, sinking into the chair beside her bed. She is in the hospital sky sky-blue ward dress, her eyes weak and her skin pale.

She nods slowly.

'A l-lot?' His voice shakes.

'Amar, are you crying?' She smiles faintly.

'The way you were screaming, m-my heart almost stopped ... ' He kisses her hand and holds it to his eyes.

'Amar ... '

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