Chapter 22

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The next morning, I was awakened by Mom walking around the house. My head throbbed with each step she took around the upstairs. I grabbed my other pillow and threw it over my head, hoping to muffle her footsteps so my head would stop pounding in my ears. I lay there, trying to remember what happened last night after I told Ashton to leave me alone, but everything was a blur. The minute I heard her go downstairs, I took the pillow off my head and rolled over, hoping to go back to sleep for a few more hours. I knew it was still early because she always went to Sweet Escape on Sunday mornings to meet Ashton's mom for coffee and breakfast. Sleep was not going to be my friend this morning, though. Probably because my mind kept trying to remember what I did at the party, but then again, I was scared to know. Once I heard the front door close, I walked over to my window and stood back far enough, watching my mom get in her car and drive off. I opened my door and saw the guest bedroom door cracked open, which meant Chloe or Sarah was here or both. I tiptoed across the hall to the guest bedroom and peeked inside to find Chloe sprawled out, sound asleep. I turned and continued my search for Tylenol. I didn't know why I was searching for it because I knew exactly where it was and yet...I was heading in the wrong direction. I paused at the top of the stairs, turned, and walked back to the bathroom to retrieve the bottle of Tylenol from the cabinet. I went back to my room,  curled under my comforter, and texted Mom to see if she'd bring us home some waffles and lattes. She texted back and told me she'd already planned on it. I set my alarm for ten-thirty, then rolled over toward the window. 

"Gemma, wake up. Gemma..." 

"Hmm..." I yawned, stretching my arms above my head. "Waffles." 

"I'm going to set your stuff over on your desk, then go give Chloe her coffee and waffle. I'll let her know that you're awake." Mom disappeared out of my room before I had a chance to say anything else to her. 

"Gem, you awake?" Chloe asked through the tiny crack. 

"Yeah..." I yawned, sliding my feet onto the floor. "Do you need help?" I asked, standing up. 

"Nah..." She nudged the door open with her elbow while she sipped on her latte. "You got a headache?" She walked around my bed to the other side, setting her drink on the nightstand. 

"Eh..." I grabbed my waffle and coffee off my desk. "I don't remember what happened after my second drink." I glanced over my shoulder. "Did I do anything stupid?"  

Chloe looked away as she took a bite of her waffle. I knew there was something she wasn't telling me. Because she could never look me in the eye whenever she was keeping something from me, I crawled up on the bed and sat in front of her; she'd have to look me in the eye. Her eyes made their way back to mine. "What?" She said, with a mouthful of waffle. 

"You're avoiding my question, that's what?" I raised an eyebrow, scooting back to my side of the bed so that I could eat my waffle. "Just tell me what embarrassing thing I did." 

"Fine." She put down her fork in the to-go box. 

"You kissed Ashton at the party." She closed her eyes. 

"I did what?" My eyes shot open; I dropped my fork, which landed in the box, thankfully. "What do you mean I kissed, Ashton?"  

"Um...You puckered up and touched lips." She took a sip of her latte. 

I pressed my lips together. "I know what a kiss is." I rolled my eyes. 

"Well...You asked..." She shrugged her shoulders, giggling. 

"You know what I meant. Did Noah see?" I peeked over at her out of the corner of my eye.

"No. He was too busy hanging on Olivia. That's why you kissed Ashton. You seriously don't remember any of it?" 

I shook my head no, getting off my bed and walking over to the window to see if Ashton was home. His car wasn't in the driveway, meaning he was either at the beach or Claudia's house. I closed the curtain and walked back over to finish my waffle. I sat there trying to see if I could remember anything after my second drink, but nothing. I didn't even want to know what led up to the kiss or what happened afterward; I just wanted to remain in ignorance bliss. I figured the less I knew, the better off I was at this point. That way, maybe I wouldn't feel awkward around Ashton if and when he would start talking to me again. Then again, after last night, perhaps his not talking to me would pay off. Chloe tried to tell me not to worry about it, but that was easy for her to say because she wasn't the one who kissed Ashton. I dropped my head in my hands at the mere thought of kissing Ashton. 

"Gem, don't beat yourself up about it. No one saw it. Besides, it lasted maybe five seconds." She took another sip of her latte. 

"You aren't just telling this to make me feel better?" I got up and set my to-go box on my desk. Then, I put Chloe's empty box next to mine. 

"I'm telling you the truth. You did it trying to get Noah's attention, but when you saw it didn't work, you stumbled out of the room. Do you care if I take a quick shower before I head home?" She slid her feet off the bed. 

"Go ahead. The towels are in the cabinet in the bathroom."

"Thanks, Gem." She walked out of the room to the guest bedroom. 

"Do you need in there before I take my shower?" She popped her head into my room. 

"I'm good." I grabbed the empty boxes on my desk. I walked downstairs and looked in Mom's office to find her typing away at her desk. She was going to be in there for a while because her hair was up, and she had on her comfy clothes, which consisted of an oversized T-shirt and leggings. I didn't want to disturb her, so I tiptoed past her doorway and kept going to the kitchen to throw away the boxes. 

I was on my way back up to my room when there was a knock on the door. There was only one person that knocked on our door. I stood there frozen on the third step of the staircase, debating whether to answer the door or run up the stairs and hide in my room. I was leaning toward option B; then Mom yelled she would answer the door. She'd definitely let Ashton in the house. So, option B went out the window. 

I swallowed what dignity I had left. "I've got it, Mom." I turned and strolled down the remaining steps, then approached the door. There was no more delaying the inevitable. I opened the door. "Hey." 

"Hey, Gem. Can we talk?" Ashton asked, standing there in workout shorts and a sleeveless hoodie. 

"Yeah..." I stepped to the side, opening the door. "Everything okay?" I closed the door. 

"I just wanted to come over and apologize for last night." 

"Apologize?" My eyes narrowed as I walked into the living room. "Apologize for what exactly?" I turned around to face him. 

He ran his right hand through his hair. "There's no easy way to say this..." He turned and walked over to the window. Something was really bothering him because he never had this much trouble talking to me before. "I took advantage of you last night, and I'm sorry I kissed you."

"Huh..." My mouth fell open. "I thought..." 

"You thought what?" Ashton turned around. 

"Uh...Nothing. It's okay. I hope everything is okay with you and Claudia." 

Ashton looked down for a brief second. "Yeah...We're good. In fact, I need to go get a shower. I have to head over there in a little bit. I'm sorry I haven't helped you. I'll be home later, and we'll talk about the next step. By the way, Gem. Sorry about Noah." 

"It's okay. I should've listened." I shrugged. "I still have time to find a date with your help. Go get ready before she comes looking for you." I laughed, pushing him toward the door. "Come over later tonight." 

"I will. Later, Gem." Ashton walked out the front door. 

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