Chapter 29

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The rest of the day was uneventful, thank goodness. Chloe didn't say anything more about Rhys. I had no intention of going out with another guy. Two guys dumped me, and I wasn't going through that again. One pretty much dumped me on the first date. Then again, who knows, maybe I should go out on another date to show them two losers what they did to me did not affect me. Knowing my luck, I'd look like a big slut, instead. 

I pulled into the driveway, and my eyes drifted to the left to find Ashton's car in his driveway. I realized his parents weren't home, either. I grabbed my bag, flew out of my car, and then had to go back and shut my car door like an idiot. By this point, there was no use in running up to my room; Ashton more than likely had her clothes off by now. It was probably in my best interest to stay out of my room for the next couple of hours. I didn't want to be scarred for life. I tossed my book bag onto the couch and headed to the kitchen to get something to drink and snack while doing my homework in the living room. I got a bowl of pretzels and a glass of sweet tea. 

"Hey, Gem!" Ashton shouted through the front door. 

"What does he want?" I mumbled, walking through the house. I set my bowl of pretzels and glass of tea down on the end table by the couch. I stood up and stared at the front door briefly before stepping in its direction. 


I opened the door. "What, you forgot how to unhook her bra?" I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms. "I'm not going to tell you how to unhook her bra, Perv." 

He tilted his head to the side, frowning. "Funny. I know how to unhook a bra." 

"You want a gold star?" 

"No. Besides, you probably don't even have one. Anyway, she's not even over there." 

"What? Are you feeling okay? I moved my head back in shock. "Your parents aren't home, and you don't have a girl in your room? Are you sure you're Ashton Hughes?" I moved closer, looking deep into Ashton's eyes. 

"Will you stop with the stupid shit?" He backed away. 

"Fine..." I laughed. "Did you lock yourself out of the house?" I snorted on accident. 

He frowned. "Fuck, Gemma. I was going to see if you wanted to go get something to eat." 

"Oh..." I opened the door wider. "Let me put my pretzels up." I walked into the living room to grab my bowl of pretzels and take them back to the kitchen. I asked if I could ask him a serious question, though. He asked if I was going to insult him again. I laughed and promised him I wouldn't. I walked back into the living room to find Ashton sitting on the couch; I looked at him and motioned toward the door because I thought we were leaving to get something to eat. He was sitting there with his forearms resting on his knees and his head hanging. He looked defeated, something I wasn't used to seeing with him. It was upsetting, to say the least. I stood there looking around like someone was going to walk through the door and console him for me. I sighed, dropped my shoulders, walked around the couch, and sat beside Ashton. "Do you want to talk about it?" I lowered my head, trying to look him in the eye. 

He turned his head toward me. "My parents are getting a divorce. Dad moved out while I was at school." He turned away. 

"I'm sorry, Ashton." I placed my hand on his back, trying my best to console him. I didn't want to ask, but I assumed my mom was with his mom, trying to comfort her friend with alcohol and food.

"Of course, I didn't bother calling Claudia because it would've been useless." He kept his head down. I didn't know what to do in response to his comment because even I knew Claudia was self-absorbed and would've blown him off. She never made time for him when they were together, so why would she make time for him now? "I hope you don't mind me coming over. I didn't want to sit in the house alone, knowing Dad wasn't going to come home." 

"No, I don't mind." He knew I would understand more than anyone. The only thing was his dad moved out of the house and could go see him whenever at his new place. I had to go to the cemetery if I wanted to visit my dad. "I thought you were going to take me to get something to eat?" I nudged him with the side of my elbow. He needed cheering up, but mainly, he needed to get away from his house for a while. I stood up and tapped him on the shoulder so he'd get up and follow me. I asked him if he was all right to drive, and he said even on a bad day, he was a better driver than me. I pressed my lips together and opened the front door, letting Ashton walk out first so I could lock the door behind me. I turned around, and Ashton was leaning against his car, waiting for me. The second my foot hit the top step, he turned, unlocked his car, and walked around to the driver's side. He asked where I wanted to go, but it didn't matter to me. I know the typical girl answer: that drove guys bonkers. "How about pizza?" Ashton asked, backing his car out of the driveway. 

"Okay." I grabbed my phone to let Mom know I was with Ashton getting pizza. She texted back, letting me know she would be home late. I didn't understand why she told me anymore. It was almost an automatic given that she'd be home late. I got so wrapped up in my thoughts that I wasn't paying attention to which direction Ashton was driving until it was too late. "Wait...We can't eat here." My eyes widened when I saw the white two-story restaurant. I knew exactly where we were at. "I can't believe you brought me here." I stared at the building. 

"Are you kidding? They've got the best pizza in the city." He turned the car off. 

"I know they do." I sighed, opening my door. 

"Have you eaten here before?" Aston asked, locking the car. 

"Yeah..." We walked around to the front of the restaurant. Ashton opened the door for me. I exhaled and stepped inside. My eyes locked with the one person I didn't want to see. He stood behind the seating host station, wearing a white button-down shirt. 

"Hey, Gemma...Ashton." Noah's brow furrowed. "Just the two of you?" 

"Yeah..." I mumbled, looking up at Ashton, fighting the sudden urge to punch him in the nose for bringing me here. 

"Booth or table?" Noah asked, grabbing two menus and silverware. 

"Booth," Ashton said before I had a chance to answer. We started to follow Noah to our booth when I glanced back at Ashton; he must have known I was pissed because he mouthed sorry. Ashton pulled me back by him right before we got to the table. "Thanks, Noah," he said, letting me slide into the booth first. 

"Your server will be with you shortly." Noah turned and walked away. 

I tilted my head to the side, frowning. "That's why I didn't want to come here." My eyebrow raised. 

"I'm sorry. Do you want to leave? We haven't ordered yet?" He motioned to the right. 

"No." I grabbed a menu. "I can't keep avoiding him." 

"Okay..." Ashton grabbed the other menu. "Are you still looking for a date for the dance?" 

I moved my menu and saw his blue eyes staring at me over the top of his menu. "What?" I put my menu on the table. 

"Nothing..." He laughed and went back to looking at the menu. "Thanks for coming with me, Gemma." He smiled, not taking his eyes off the menu. 


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