Chapter 4

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Monday morning came way too fast for my liking. I wasn't prepared to put what Chloe and Ava taught me to the test. I sat down at my vanity and started to apply my makeup as they had taught me last night. I sat there looking in the mirror when I was finished, admiring my work. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad, either. I'd say it was a solid B+ for the first time of applying makeup on my own. I set my brush down on the table and slowly shifted my eyes toward the closet. I had to dress outside my comfort zone: no more leggings and oversized t-shirts to school. No guy will want to ask me out on a date; looking like I just crawled out of bed. I sighed, got up off my vanity bench, and walked to the closet to find a great outfit. Twenty minutes later, I finally decided on something that was entirely out of my comfort zone. I took one last look in the full-length mirror, then headed downstairs for breakfast. 

"Morning, Gemma," Mom said, turning around with a plate of French toast. "Wow..." Her mouth fell open; she quickly put the plate on the counter. Mom never had to worry about how she looked. She was one of the popular girls in high school, so she had no idea what it was like to be an outcast. 

"Thanks, Mom." I took the plate and carried it over to the table. "Ashton said, guys, aren't going to ask me out looking like I just crawled out of bed." 

"He's right about that." She smiled, carrying her plate of French Toast to the table. "Who are you trying to impress?" She peeked over at me. 

"No one in particular. I'm just tired of being home every weekend. No offense, Mom." 

"None taken." She smiled, taking a bite of her French toast. "So, what is Ashton helping you with exactly?" 

"He's helping me get a date for the dance coming up soon." 

"Oh, okay." Mom took another bite of French toast. "Do you think it's wise to ask him for help? Why not Chloe, Sarah, or Ava?" 

"He's popular, that's why." 

"Why don't you two just go together to the dance?" 

"Ew, Mom. No." I shook my head at the thought. "I need to get going before I'm late for school." I took another bite, then carried my plate over to the sink. "Bye, love you." I hurried out of the kitchen before she could say another word about me going with Ashton. I peeked out the front door to see if Ashton's car was in his driveway. I didn't see it, which meant he was probably getting something to eat before school. I hurried out to my car and headed to school. 

The school parking lot was jumping, with kids pulling in and walking in between the cars to the school doors. I parked toward the back row, flipped down my visor, and took one last look in the mirror before exiting my car. All I wanted to do was rush back home and throw on a pair of black leggings and an oversized, comfy shirt. Instead, I took a deep breath and opened the car door. 

"Wow, look at you, Gem," Ashton said, walking up behind me. 

I wanted to hurry up and dive back into my car. "I closed my eyes, wanting to scream in horror. "Hey, Ashton." I opened my eyes and turned around to face him. 

"I see you finally took your friends' advice and stopped the uni-boob look." He smiled, looking to the left as a group of girls walked by and said hi. "Nice outfit, by the way. You aren't hiding under big baggy shirts. Not a good look. Well, I've got to go. Later, Gem." He started walking toward the school, saying hi to a couple of girls who slowly strolled past him, waving. The brunette stumbled over her friend, almost face-planting in the roadway between the parked cars. Her friend, with dark blonde hair, helped her stand back up while Ashton laughed and kept walking toward the school. I stood there shaking my head in disbelief at what I had just witnessed. There was no way in hell I'd let myself get that dumbstruck over a guy. 

"Gemma, you look amazing!" Chloe said, walking up beside me. 

I looked down at my jeans, cream-colored floral top with a plunging neckline, and a white bralette underneath. "You don't think it's too much?" I said, still staring at my clothes. 

"Not at all. You look great! I can't believe you've been hiding under those baggy shirts." She motioned her hand in front of me. "Your makeup looks good too." She smiled. 

"Ashton had to comment on my clothes." I sighed. 

"Ignore him, Gemma. He's an idiot. What did idiot man have to say?" 

"He saw that I took your advice and got rid of the sports bra." I rolled my eyes. 

"It had to go." She shook her head in agreement. 

"Thanks a lot." 

"A sports bra is fine, but not hidden under baggy shirts every day. You haven't noticed, but guys have been looking at you as they've passed by." She smiled, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. 

My eyes widened, looking around us as we started to walk into the school, trying to see if anyone was looking at me. All I saw were girls talking to their friends as they looked down at their phones every few seconds and guys flirting with the hot girls in the school. "No, they aren't." 

"Whatever, Gemma. I know what I saw. Didn't you say Ashton commented on how you looked this morning?" She tilted her head to the side, opening her locker. 

My eyes narrowed at her statement because Ashton didn't count. After all, well, it was Ashton. He was my neighbor, friend, slash man-whore, so I never really paid much attention to anything Ashton said. Our rooms were right across the yard from one another, so I'd have to be careful looking out my window a lot of the time. After school, when our parents weren't home, was the worst time to be near my window because that's when he'd take home whoever he was dating at the time, and he'd forget to close the curtains to his room. After accidentally looking out my window a few times, I learned to close my curtains the minute I got to my room. 

"Gemma, did you hear a word I said?" Chloe asked, slamming her locker shut. 

"Yeah, sorry. I try not to dwell on anything Ashton says for the simple fact it's Ashton." I started walking down the hall toward my locker. "Besides, he and Claudia just broke up not too long ago, and he was probably just being nice. Remember, we're friends. We've known each other forever." 

"What about Ashton and me?" The most annoying voice in the world asked behind us as I started to open my locker. 

I rolled my eyes, repeating to myself to keep my mouth shut. "Nothing, Claudia. What do you want?" I asked, grabbing my Math book out of my locker. 

"I heard my name out of your mouth, and I was just curious as to why?" 

"Claudia, what are you doing?" Ashton asked, walking up. 

I leaned my head against the edge of my locker, wondering if, by some chance, my whole body could somehow fit in it. I turned around to find Claudia's lips on Ashton's. My eyes widened, and I looked over at Chloe, whose upper lip was curled up in disgust. I coughed, trying to get their attention, hoping they'd stop before I vomited on them. 

"Ashton, stop." Claudia playfully pushed him away. "You want me back; admit it."  She walked away, her dark auburn hair bouncing as she went down the hall. 

"Wow...That's some relationship going on there." I raised my eyebrows, nodding in disbelief. 

"I'll see you in class, Gem." Ashton smiled and headed to Math class. 

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