Chapter 18

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The rest of the week was filled with Ashton giving me the cold shoulder over Noah while he continued his charade with Claudia. I felt like we were sophomores all over again, having to deal with Ashton and Claudia's on-again, off-again relationship. We never knew from hour to hour, let alone day to day, whether they were together or not. It was exhausting just trying to keep up with them. When they broke up for good at the end of sophomore year, we all breathed a sigh of relief, thinking we'd be able to get through the rest of high school without their drama. Guess we were all wrong. 

"What time do you want Sarah and me over there tomorrow to help you get ready for your date?" Chloe asked, walking up to my locker. 

"He's picking me up at six tomorrow." I grabbed my English and Chemistry books out of my locker. "You can come over early, and we can just hang out for a little bit before I have to get ready." I closed my locker door and turned around to face Chloe, who was looking down at her phone. 

"Yeah. I can ask Sarah." She swiped her phone off and slid it down in her purse. 

"Ask me what?" Sarah walked up, looking confused. 

"What time you want to go over to Gem's tomorrow? Do you want to go early so we can hang out for a little bit before we help her get ready?" Chloe asked, zipping her purse up. 

"Yeah, we can go over early. What time is he picking you up?" Sarah glanced over at me as we started walking down the hall to the front of the school. 

"Six, but I have a feeling he might show up a few minutes early." 

"Where's he taking you?" Sarah and Chloe both asked. 

I stopped in the middle of the hall, staring straight ahead at the school's doors, realizing I had no idea whatsoever where he was taking me. Therefore, I had no idea what to wear tomorrow. I could dress too casually, and he'd take me to some fancy restaurant downtown, or I'd dress up and take me for burgers somewhere. My heartbeat was starting to pulsate in my ears. Worry must have swept over my face because I could hear Chloe and Sarah trying to tell me everything would be all right and that they would help me get ready and not to worry. How did they know everything was going to be okay? They didn't know where he would take me for our date, so how could they tell me everything would be all right? "He didn't tell me where he was taking me. I have no idea what to wear. This is such a disaster." I threw my head back, staring up at the eggshell ceiling. 

"Come on, Gem. Let's get out of here before they yell at us." Chloe pulled on my hand. "I know, just the thing to make you feel better." 

I took a couple of steps, then lowered my head so I wouldn't trip and fall, walking out of the school. "Where are we going?" I squinted my eyes when Chloe and Sarah opened the doors. I reached down into my purse and grabbed my sunglasses. Chloe and Sarah did the same and put theirs on before we crossed the half-empty parking lot. I was a little disappointed when I scanned through the few cars left, none of which were Noah's. If only I'd gotten out here sooner instead of having a meltdown over what to wear for tomorrow night, I probably would've gotten to see or talk to him. 

"So, where are we going?" I asked, standing a few feet away from my car. 

"Coffee." Chloe beamed. 

"What about our cars?" I motioned to my car. 

"We'll follow you to your house." Chloe and Sarah hopped in Chloe's SUV. 

I walked over to my car, unlocked it, and tossed my book bag and purse into the passenger seat. I flipped down my visor, fixed my tousled hair, and made sure my sunglasses were on straight. I knew there was no point in telling Chloe I didn't feel like going to Sweet Escape to get coffee because she had a habit of hounding people until they caved. So, it was just better for my sanity if I agreed right away than to let her keep bugging me until I snapped. 

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