Chapter 25

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Mom came home early from work and cooked dinner for us. It was nice having her here with me for over an hour or two while she got ready for a date. She fixed Chicken Parmesan, spaghetti, and garlic bread. We sat at the table without our phones and caught up on things. She apologized for being gone so much and promised to do better about being around more. I wanted to believe her; I really did, but I knew it would only last a month or two, and she'd be right back to going out with friends or dates. But for now, I'll enjoy her being here with me. We loaded the dishes together; then she went to her office to finish some work, which was fine because I had to study for the upcoming English test. I got something to drink and was about to curl up on the couch with my English book and notebook when the dreaded knock happened. I rolled my eyes at the empty living room and mumbled a few choice cuss words to myself as I got up off the couch to go see what manwhore wanted. 

I opened the front door. "What the fuck do you want?" 

"I came to apologize for the other night," Noah said. 

"Okay, you apologized. Goodbye!" I tried to slam the door closed, but he stopped it with his foot and hand. "Move." I pressed all my weight against the door. 

"You won't let me explain?"

"Um...No. Your actions the other night did all the talking for you. I have nothing to say to you." I pressed harder against the door. Suddenly, my body slammed against the door when it closed. Luckily, it didn't slam shut because I didn't feel like explaining why I slammed the front door to Mom. I just wanted him gone. I peeked out the window next to the door and saw him drive away in his shiny sports car. 

I went to go back to the living room and started studying when there was another knock on the door. "Oh, my god!" I stomped over to the door and flung it open. "What?" 

"Wow...Do you greet everyone like that?" Ashton smirked. 

I rolled my eyes. "No, just annoying guys." 

"Ouch. You really know how to hurt a guy." He turned to look toward his car. 

"Ashton, I've got to study for the English test. Did you need something?" I leaned my head against the door. "I figured you'd be out on a date with the diva." 

"I was getting ready to head over there when I saw Noah drive off. Is everything okay?" His eyes filled with worry. 

"Yeah. He tried to talk to me, but I pretty much slammed the door in his face." 

"Nice. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I should get going." He backed away from the door. 

"Yeah, you don't want to keep her Highness waiting." I rolled my eyes. 

"Funny. Later, Gem." He turned and jogged to his car. He unlocked his car and waved. I waited until he was down the road before I closed the door. He's been known to either put the window down and say something or jump out of the car and run back to talk another five or ten minutes. 

Once I was back in the living room sitting on the couch, I waited another five minutes to make sure he hadn't turned his car around because he had forgotten something at home. Maybe I was procrastinating on reviewing for the English test. Nah...Blaming Ashton was more fun. 


I left for school earlier than usual to get coffee, seeing I stayed up late taking notes for English. I even got one for Chloe and Sarah because I knew they would be waiting in her car when I pulled into school. It was almost too pretty of a day to be spent at school. The sun was shining high in the sky with a few cumulus clouds here and there. If I skipped, the school would be on the phone with Mom, letting her know. I didn't need to add to my drama at the moment. Besides, just maybe the new hottie would show his face again today. 

Luckily, I managed to park right next to Chloe's car. She and Sarah were busy on their phones, not paying attention. I lifted their iced coffees right as they looked up to see who had parked beside them. They both smiled and were out of the car within minutes. 

"Thank you." They both said at once, lifting their cups to their mouths. 

"You're welcome. I thought you'd like an iced coffee." I grabbed my book bag, then my iced coffee closed the door, and locked my car. We started walking toward the school as we sipped on our iced coffees. "By any chance, have either of you seen that guy from the library yesterday?" I peeked at them out of the corner of my eye. I could tell they were swapping suspicious glances by how Chloe's eyes narrowed when Sarah looked at her. I didn't have to ask what they were thinking because it was pretty straightforward, and knowing Chloe, she was going to let me know what she was thinking. I tried to brace myself for what was coming, even though I knew nothing would prepare me for her questioning. 

"Gem, what are you doing?" Chloe's brows furrowed. 

"Nothing." I took a sip of my drink. 

"Nothing?" Chloe stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. Kids mumbled as they had to go out of their way around us. Chloe said a few choice words to some in response to what they had said. "So, there's no particular reason why you're looking for the hottie from yesterday?" She raised an eyebrow. 


"You're such a bad liar. But, you get an "A" for effort." She laughed, walking past me. Sarah laughed, nudging my arm to follow them. I followed a few steps behind them, drinking my iced coffee, and started perusing the hallways for the hot guy the minute we stepped inside the school. I even glanced inside the office to make sure he wasn't in there getting something before classes started. The only kids in there were the ones checking in for in-school suspension. Chloe and Sarah took off toward their lockers while I turned to the left toward mine. 

"Hey, Gem. You left early this morning." Ashton walked up to my locker. 

"Does your girlfriend know you're talking to me? I don't feel like being interrogated by her because or over here by my locker." I closed my locker door. "And speak of the devil," I mumbled, glancing past Ashton. 

"Wow...You can't leave my boyfriend alone. Can you?" Claudia said, grabbing hold of Ashton's arm. 

"Um...Never mind." I stopped myself before I uttered another word. 

"What was that?" She tilted her head. 

"Nothing. I'm going to be late for class. Have fun threatening my locker." I walked away. I didn't even glance over my shoulder back at them. I walked into Math class, and the mystery guy was in the back of the room. I stood there frozen at the front of the class, knowing eyes were on me, wondering what the hell I was doing. He was sitting to the left of Caleb, looking down at his phone so he hadn't see me staring at him like some creepy girl. 

"Are you going to stand there for the entire class, Miss Parker?" Mr. King asked, past me. 

"Uh...No." I looked away from the new guy and walked to my seat. I sat down, grabbed my phone, and texted Chloe that I had found the new guy. She texted me back within seconds, asking me where I saw him. I told her he was sitting a few rows behind me in Math class. I wanted to turn around and steal a glance, but I didn't want to be creepy. Just as I was about to do the ever-faithful act like I dropped something on the floor, Mr. King told us to get our notebooks out. Now was my chance; I could turn around and get into my book bag to get another pencil and steal a glance that way. I turned, opened my bag, and saw him staring at me. His piercing blue eyes held my gaze long enough to feel the heat of my blushing cheeks. 

"Gemma, are we disturbing you and Rhys?" Mr. King asked from the front of the class. 

I turned around and shook my head no as I heard muffled giggles around me. Well...That was one way to find out the new guy's name. I lowered my head and closed my eyes in embarrassment. 

Author's Notes:

Well...Gemma managed to find out the hot new guy's name and embarrass herself at the same time. Sounds about right? lol

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