Chapter 23

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The rest of the day was quiet after Chloe left. Mom stayed in her office working, and I continued to nurse my headache while I tried to work on homework. I didn't even bother telling Chloe what Ashton said about him kissing me because it was over and done with, and his girlfriend didn't need to find out about it. I still couldn't believe Chloe tried telling me I kissed Ashton. I knew that story didn't sound right, even if I was drunk and couldn't remember. I went outside to sit on the porch and work on homework before it got too dark, mainly because I was tired of always sitting alone. At least outside, the neighbors waved and said "Hi" to me as they passed the house. Thirty minutes later, I could hear the roar of Ashton's engine quickly approaching our homes. I debated if I should get up and hurry inside or stay where I was. I didn't want him to think I was out here waiting for him to get home, but I knew the minute I tried to get up and hurry into the house, I'd stumble and faceplant in the middle of the porch. I decided that staying put was my best option and returned to reviewing for the upcoming English test. I heard his car door open and shut but kept my eyes glued to my book. 

"Hey, Gem. What are you doing out here?" Ashton asked, walking toward the house. 

"Hey. I'm studying for the English test coming up. I got tired of sitting in the house alone. How was your date with Claudia?" I stuck my notebook in my book and closed it so I wouldn't lose my place. 

"We stayed at her house, watched a movie, then had dinner with her parents. Nothing exciting." He walked over and sat down in the other seat. I'm sorry I was a jerk to you this past week. It wasn't right. Enough about that...We've got to find you a date for the dance. Is there anyone else you've got your eye on at school?" 

"No. Maybe...I'm not cut out for this whole dating thing after all. One guy dropped me off at home, then rushed off to go be with another girl, while the other guy decided to make out with another girl at a party he took me to." I twisted my mouth, looking at the road as a car drove past the house. 

"They were dicks, Gem. I have a feeling you won't be waiting for long before another guy asks you out on a date. Why wait for the guy to ask you out? If you like a guy, why not tell him you're into him? If he doesn't respond, he's a dick, and you know he's not worth dating." 

"What if I say I'm into him, and he tells me to get lost? I don't think I could handle that kind of rejection." I put my book on the table. 

"As I said, if he doesn't say anything in response, then he's not worth your time. Trust me; guys like to hear when a pretty girl is into them. We still have a few weeks until the dance. Well, I better get home before Mom starts blowing up my phone or screaming her head off out the door." He rolled his eyes, getting up. "Night, Gem." He walked down the steps, ran across our yards, and up his steps to his front door. 

I picked up my book and went inside because it was getting darker now, and I didn't feel like having some random person come up and attack me on my porch. I locked the front door and went to get a drink to take to my bedroom while I finished another hour of studying before I stopped for the night. I paused at our front door and peeked out the side window over at Ashton's house for a few seconds, wondering why he suddenly acted like nothing had happened last night. Maybe it was because I couldn't remember the kiss, and he thought it meant nothing to me, or it was a mistake on his part, and he truly didn't mean for it to happen. I turned and headed up to my room to get back to reviewing for the test to keep my mind off things. 


I woke up Monday morning thinking about what Ashton said last night about letting the guy know I'm into him and not waiting for him to come to me. But the problem was there wasn't anyone I was interested in at the moment. So, at the moment, his advice was quite useless. I would never tell him that, though. I flipped my comforter off and lay there for a few minutes, trying to motivate myself to start getting ready for school. School...It had become the place where drama pounced on me. Okay...Pounced is a little harsh, but it sure felt like the minute I said I wanted to date, I was sucked into the drama pit. I couldn't prolong the inevitable any longer and got up to get my shower. 

"Gemma, breakfast is almost ready." Mom knocked on my door, then eased it open. 

"I'm dressed." I got up from my vanity table. "You can open the door." 

Mom opened the door all the way. "Look at you." Mom beamed.

"You think it looks all right?" I asked, looking down at my white floral dress. "I thought about wearing my white canvas shoes with it. What do you think?" 

"I think that will be cute. Noah will love it."

"Uh...No, he won't." I frowned. 

"The hell he won't. You look beautiful." 

"No, he really won't. He probably won't even notice. He's with Olivia Adams." 

"Since when?" 

"Saturday night at the party. He ditched me to be with her. Honestly, they deserve one another." I grabbed my shoes out of my closet and sat on my bed to put them on. "Ashton tried to warn me about him, and I didn't listen." 

"Ashton? Ashton Hughes from next door?" Mom's eyes narrowed. 

"Yeah..." I stood up, walked to my closet, and grabbed my jean jacket. "Why do you look surprised?" I gathered up my stuff for school while I glanced at Mom and her furrowed brow. "Mom..."

"Huh..." She snapped out of her trance. Her brows relaxed a little, but I could still see the confusion in her eyes. "Come down when you're finished." She turned and walked out of my room. I had no idea why it struck her as odd that Ashton would try to warn me about Noah. We were somewhat friends that talked outside of school. We didn't talk much in school because I wasn't as popular as Ashton and most of his friends. 

"You okay, Mom?" I asked, walking in the kitchen. "You seemed kinda out of it when you left my room a few minutes ago." I grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge. 

"Yeah." She handed me a plate with a blueberry muffin and fruit. She turned around and grabbed her mug of coffee. She sipped her coffee, glancing out the window. I could tell something was still bothering her by the way she'd peek at me over the top of her mug, then quickly look away the second she lowered it. She was never good at being coy about things. It was either straightforward in my face about stuff, or she'd keep her mouth shut and steal glances at me when she didn't think I was looking, only to bombard me later with fifty million questions. Either way, I knew she was bound and determined to find out what happened with Noah, even though I told her exactly what happened. 

"I need to get to school." I walked past her and set my plate in the sink. "Bye, love you." 

"Love you, Gemma. Have a good day." Mom turned and emptied the rest of her coffee mug in the sink. "I might be a little late getting off work tonight." 

Author's Notes:

Ashton is back to helping Gemma find a date...

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