Chapter 47

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I couldn't stop thinking about what happened back at Sweet Escape as Ashton sped toward the beach to make up for time lost dealing with Claudia. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming it all. He stood up to her not once but twice in one day, which had never happened. 

"You okay, Gem?" Ashton asked, breaking my concentration. 

I peeked up at him through my lashes, reaching for my latte in the console's cupholder. "Yeah." I turned back toward the passenger window, watching people walking along the sidewalk, gazing in the windows of department stores. While stopped at a red light, one lady pushed open one of the finer store's doors, almost smacking the guy behind her with the door. He managed to stop the door with his elbow while he wrestled with the numerous bags in his hands while she walked away. I shook my head, wondering how I could be surprised by what I saw. I mean, this was Santa Monica, after all. I took another sip of my latte, inhaling the sweet Blackberry syrup used to make it. 

"What made you think of the beach today?" I asked, setting my drink down in the cupholder. 

"I thought you could use the distraction, plus it would get us away from our houses." His eyes shifted to me for a split second, then back to the road. The car slowed down, and we pulled into the parking lot. I glanced around, realizing we weren't at the beach. "Ashton, wh..." My voice cracked when my eyes landed on the big Ferris wheel in the distance. 

"If I told you we were going to  The Pier, I knew you'd make an excuse not to go." He turned the car off, grabbing his latte. "I'm just kidding." He smiled."No, I'm not kidding." He opened his car door. My eyes narrowed as they flashed over to Ashton as he got out. "Come on, Gem. It'll be fun. Trust me." He leaned down, glanced at me, then stood up and closed his door. 

"Fun," I mumbled, grabbing my latte as I exited the car. "You know how I feel about this place." I twisted my mouth, glancing over my shoulder at the Ferris Wheel. 

"That's why we're going to make new memories today." He walked around the car, motioning me to follow him. "I didn't bring you here so you'd think about that day. Gemma, I brought you here so you can start living your life again." 

Live my life again? What does he think I've been doing this whole time? "I've been living my life," I said, trying to catch up to his long strides. "Will you wait up?" I called after him, stopping so I wouldn't spill my coffee.

"Living?" He stopped and turned sideways so he was facing the ocean. "Hiding up in your room with your books is NOT living." He made sure to emphasize the word Not. "It's time to start experiencing life again. And I don't mean on the sidelines." He reached out his hand, motioning it for me to join him. I sighed, dropping my shoulders, turning to look out at the ocean, remembering how I loved this place at one time. That seemed so long ago, clouded by such a painful memory, wiping out all the good times I used to have here with my friends. One second to change your life forever. One second that would go for an eternity, altering the person you used to be. It was a day like today, with blue skies and the sun shining. I decided to come here with my friends after school one day. We were about to get on the Ferris Wheel when I got the call. The call that my dad had passed away. I couldn't tell you how I got to the car or how I got home either. After those words echoed through the phone, my life forever changed. Things I once loved to do seemed insignificant. 

I reached Ashton eleven steps later, debating on throwing my iced latte in his face. He took my hand and whispered, "Everything is going to be okay. You trust me, right?" Trust? That was an awful small word that held so much power. In the blink of an eye, it could destroy many things if broken. He turned and started walking toward the entrance to The Pier, not letting go of my hand as we walked through the big arch. I was trying not to read anything into it. There was nothing going on between Ashton and me. Was there? I glanced down at our hands, fingers interlocked, like a couple dating would hold each other's hand while walking. 

I glanced around at the various shops, novelty stands, restaurants, and people passing us on both sides: couples holding hands, parents trying to keep their kids from running off, and numerous teenagers. The numerous teenagers were a pretty normal sight, especially after school. A lot of them went to The Breezeway—another reason why I didn't like it down here anymore. I rolled my eyes at the thought. 

"How about some mozzarella sticks?" Ashton asked, tossing his half-full latte in the trash. 

"Sure." I followed his lead and tossed my drink in the trash as he led me to the stand. I looked around, watching girls stare at Ashton as they passed by. I recognized a few of them from school but couldn't tell you their names. What Ashton had said earlier about living my life again echoed in my ears as I watched them keep walking toward the rides. It was a group of four girls, probably sophomores if I had to guess, talking and giggling. Two had long blonde hair, one with long light brown hair, and one with dark brown hair. The girls stopped before entering the rides area, glanced back, then turned and headed straight for us. 

"Would you like something to drink?" Ashton asked, getting his wallet out of his pocket. 


"Two lemonades, also." Ashton handed the girl money. 

"Hey, aren't you Ashton Hughes?" An unfamiliar, soft-spoken asked from behind us. 

I turned around and saw the group of girls staring at Ashton. The one with blonde hair and blue eyes stepped closer, leaving her friends a few steps behind her. "You're Ashton, aren't you?" She said, beaming from ear to ear. 

"Yeah." He stuffed his wallet back in his pocket. 

"Is it true you aren't dating Claudia Rush anymore?" 

"Yes, it's true." I stood there, turning my head from side to side like I was watching a tennis match. What happened next took me by complete surprise. 

"Would you like to go out sometime?" She smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. 

"Thanks for asking, but..." He ran his hand through his hair. 

"Here's your order," the girl from the stand announced. I turned, grabbed our drinks, and let Ashton grab the mozzarella sticks. 

"Gem, want me to take one of the drinks?" he asked, pointing to my left hand. 

I shook my head no, staring at the girl with blonde hair staring at us. I wanted to say something to her along the lines of...Do I need to draw you a picture? He doesn't want to go out with you! 

"I'm not looking to date right now. Thanks for asking, though." He smiled and turned toward me. "Let's go find a table." He nodded his head over toward the table area. He walked past the group of girls, looking back at me smiling. I could feel my furrowed brows knitting closer together, trying to figure out what had just happened. The Ashton I knew would've jumped on the offer to date a pretty girl. He completely snubbed her offer, then walked right past without giving her a second glance. We managed to find a table with an umbrella, shading the iron seats. I set our drinks on the table and pulled out a chair facing the ocean. Ashton put the paper basket on the table and sat next to me instead of across from me as he would normally do. He moved the basket in front of me, waiting for me to take one. 

I took a sip of my lemonade, lowering my cup, when I felt fingers brush across my cheek, moving a piece of hair. My eyes trailed along the iron table, up Ashton's maroon t-shirt to his blue eyes gazing at me. "You had a piece of hair stuck to your cheek." We sat there staring into each other's eyes as he leaned closer. 

"Hughes!" A guy's voice called his name, walking up behind us. 

Ashton leaned away, turning to look behind us. "Hey, Braedon." Ashton and Braedon started talking while Chloe scooted a little closer, nudging my arm and glancing at Ashton. I couldn't tell her what was happening because I was also confused. 

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