My Friend Falling Apart

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Chapter 4
Ellie's POV.

Julia doesn't talk much now.
All she could think about was the group and Carl and Rosie.
But now,no one really.Not even herself.
Its been scaring me.
I found a shard of glass stuck under her pillow I threw away.
I couldn't take it.I was telling her I was leaving.Its been in my intentions a long time and I knew it'd be hard on her but if she wanted to go with me.Away from her.From Carl.From pretty much everybody.
She sat infront of me on the sofa.
"Julia,I'm leaving,"I tell her.
She looked furious.
"Would you like to come with me?"
Her eyebrows go back to above her eyes,"Of course."
"We leave tonight,"I tell her.

That night we took everything we had.
"Where are we going?"Julia asks.
"To Tennessee."

A week later we were there.In Nashville Tennessee.
"I lived here,"I hear Julia say.
"Then you should know your way around."
"This was also where my camp was."
We look at each other and start running.

An hour later we were in White House Tennessee.
She ran up to her school and knocked on the door.
A girl came to answer it and when she
saw Julia,her face was a Christmas tree.
She opened the door quickly.
She was the same height as Julia.Which was about 5'2.She had blue eyes and glasses.She also had shoulder length dirty blonde hair.
"Jess!"Julia exclaimed hugging her tightly.
"Jess,what did we tell you-Julia."
Julia looks at the new voice.
She backed up quickly.
Jess turned around and saw why.
Jess was soon beside Julia.
"What's wrong?"I ask.
"He....touches students,"Julia whispered in my ear.
I get my knife out.
I knew he must've touched them seeing they were scared.
I walked up and stared at him in the eye.
I shoved my knife in his neck and he....died.Just like that.
I dragged the body outside campus.
I came back to see Julia hugging a little girl with short black hair.
"Anna,where's Acher?"she asked.
"In the 5th grade classroom."
She nods and walks to the 5th grade classroom.

Julia's POV.

I knocked on the side of the door frame.
"Anna,leave me alone."
"Acher,calm down."
He turned around and saw me.
I smiled.
"Hey.Where ya been it's been a year."
"Long story."
"I got time,"he say down and I told him what happened.
"You and Ellie are immune?And you cursed a lot."
We laugh.
"Hey,they were sluts."
We laugh more.
"Let me Show you to your new room."
He takes me to the 4th grade class.
He pointed to a bed and I layed down on it.
I instantly fell asleep.

Ellie's POV.

"Where's Julia?"I ask Acher.
"The 4th grade class."
He gave me directions and I saw her sleeping.
I layed down on the bed beside her.
"Fuck you!"Julia yelled.
I looked at her.
She was thrashing around and cursing.
Acher and Anna ran in to see her going coco loco in her sleep.
"What's happening?"Anna asked.
"You never gave a shit about me!Carl, you're just a man slut!"
"She's having a bad dream,"Acher reassures his sister,"Go back to sleep."
Anna goes to her room.
"She told me about Carl."
I look at him,"Yea,he was a fuck tard."
"You say that word a lot."
"Yea,"I mumble.
Julia was now awake crying.
I hugged her tightly,"Carl isn't here we left him in Washington."
Acher had left.
She was breaking.

The Girl That's Immune(Sequel to The Governor's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now