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Over the course of the next few months, I only got three phone calls a month to talk to Simon, and each one was way past his bedtime. I begged Price to call earlier, but he wouldn't let me, saying it was too dangerous, and I immediately understood that I didn't want him to be in danger.
It made me sad, though extremely sad, but when Alex talked to me, telling me how he's doing and updating me on his new all-time favorite toys and stuff, it all made me want to cry more. I'm missing out on all of this...over what?

One day a package came for me, and when I opened it, I smiled almost screaming in front of everyone as I pulled out a picture of Simon at the park, followed by bags of snacks we couldn't eat here, including a bottle of wine, which we drank all the way back over there.
I shared my snacks with everyone, Konig taking Takis Ghost, not wanting anything but the wine, which I didn't let him have as soap, gaz, and price all took something sweet.

When night fell, I could hear the boys laughing in the halls. It always made this all very easy to be around because it made you more comfortable.
Walking out of my room, I head towards them to see them playing a game.
"Can I join?" I smirk as I stand in front of an empty space around the coffee table, seeing it was only soap gaz and ghost. "If you know how to play poker, sit down, lass." soap chuckled
I nodded, knowing I was about to eat them all up. I was a boss at poker thanks to wine nights with Alex.

Sitting down in full gear, we had a mission in a little bit, so we started the game, which became more and more interesting as it came down to me and Ghost since our masks never gave us away.

"Fold!" he chuckled, his eyes showing confidence.
Looking at my cards, I smiled under my mask. I had all Aces and knew his deck wasn't that good with four of a kind.

"You always fold first, no matter what,I smirk and listen as he scoffs.




We both flip our cards as I start dancing. I knew I would win; it was just a matter of time. Call me cocky, ignorant, or whatever you'd like, but I always win.
"Let's head out!" Price's voice suddenly cuts through to us all.

I sighed, picking up my rifle and walking to the car. I sat in the corner between Ghost and Soap while Konig was across from me and Gaz was next to him.
We were disarming a bomb-making house, which was easily done but not easily survived. They put their guards mostly there because they needed the makers safe. It's funny how they can always make more but never use enough.

"Reaper, you head in with Ghost now," Price said through my earpiece, and I nodded at Ghost, who wanted to stand in front for some reason.
In three seconds, the doors were wide open, and we were standing in the center of them, drawing attention as we took them out one by one. I counted them off like sheep going over my head to get ready for bed.

" 1,2,3.....20..26"

It was weird that there were so many on this floor; what were they protecting? It couldn't possibly be that bad, right?

Walking in deeper, I go to exchange mags, but before I could put the new one in, someone comes running out from a crate with a giant mechette in his hand as he swung for my head. I barely dodged it before watching his every move. Each step he took distracted me from my job as I couldn't reload.

"Ghost, I'm stuck!" I yell into my comms only to hear nothing but silence. He cut my fucking communication lines. I pull out my own nife, my handgun that was lost somewhere in his first attack.
"They shouldn't send women into war!" He screamed, and I shook my head, taking this opportunity to attack back. Jumping onto him, I made him fall to the floor as I stabbed his hand and twisted my blade to make it unfixable. As the blood and his screams poured from his body, his free hand reached to my mask, and I dodged, grabbing his machette and cutting right at his neck.

"Fuck you!" I gasped as his body now twitched. "You'll come in handy." I attach the hatchet to my hip as I grab my knife and a handgun off of a guard who is not taking them. It's time to look for mine. I move on. Now I see a ghost looking for me.
"What happened?!" He spoke, shocked, as he looked me up and down, and I paused.
My communications line was cut by a guy with a hatchet. "No, if I tell him I called for him, he'll feel bad." I got him back though," I groan in discomfort, not liking the thought that man was dead.

Suddenly, a large explosion above us made us both look up as the see-through ceiling showed the chain explosions happening. We ran as fast as we could, the door seeming farther and farther, but I knew it wasn't as the ghost got out.

Come on!" he yelled back to me, and I sped up as fast as I could just as the explosions caught up to me. The last one exploded directly behind me, sending me flying out the front doors and crashing onto ghost as we rolled away.

I sit up, taking his hand, and begin to run as fast as I can, as the building still hadn't done its final explosion and the gas in the pipes was warming up.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck," I mumbled out of breath as two guards began to chase us through the forest.

"OH FUCK OFF!" the ghost yelled at them, shooting at them.

We were Too far away to call for backup quite yet. Suddenly, I see a waterfall and a cave directly through it.

Trust me!" I screamed, grabbing onto him tighter.
No, we are not jumping!" he screamed, trying to plant his feet as the water below was too shallow to land in. Especially from this height.

I ignored him, jumping and dragging him with me as the dead of night hid our moves. I couldn't make out exactly when to reach my arm out for the cave, so I just held it out, gripping onto the ledge, eventually keeping a hold on Ghost.
His eyes were wide as he stared at me.

" climb!" I whispered and yelled at him and watched him process before climbing up the rocks, using my leg as support as he climbed into the dry cave. Pulling me up once he's in just as flashlights shone where we were supposed to be.

"Jesus," I panted, ripping my vest off.

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