5. Crystal

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A guy hanging with his hands tied over his head and a man beat him ruthlessly without thinking where and how much he's hitting a human being . Tears stream down my cheeks as I try to muffle my sobs with a Palm . I stand here in an empty classroom but my mind has gone back to those days . The days when I was a little girl who held her toy close to her chest and tried to look at her favorite brother , the hero of her life being beaten up like an animal just because he couldn't shoot a man . Kiaan was never what my dad wanted him to be but at the end that man won over a little boy's determination. He broke my brother and kept him on the flames until he melted so that he could make a monster out of my hero .

When dad left I would go to kiaan with my tiny steps and I'd try to wipe his wounds . I learnt putting bandages , cleaning wounds and choosing medicines according to the type of pain he was experiencing in the worst manner possible . All he would say was " I'll endure every pain till you are safe cyrsie . The day he takes a step towards you , I'll rip him apart "

At that time I never knew what that nine years old boy meant but today I know , I know he said he would kill our father for me and he did that .

I squeeze my eyes shut to stop the tears but they just won't because a heartless beast scratched all my wounds and he dragged me back to the past .

"Are you alright " I hear a very sweet voice and I open my eyes to find a girl with cuteness overloaded as she gapes at me with apprehension.

I want to hide it like I always do but I don't want to do it in front of this girl , Ishani .

I shake my head and she immideatly holds me in her arms . She rubs my back as I break down .

"I miss him, I miss him so much" I sob and I don't want her to ask me about kiaan and she doesn't  . She only calms me down and gives me a warm smile .

"Your cheeks have turned pink and your nose too. This obsession with a colour is getting dangerous " she giggles making me smile .

"That guy is lucky whoever you are missing . I think the criminal one right ?" She grabs my hand as we walk out.

"Staying amidst criminals and still loving them is the biggest irony of our lives" I chuckle and she jumps up  .

"I know right,  kavish is sooo much of a bad guy kind of , he's a Demon sometimes but still I know his good side . Only I know , ohh kavish is my brother by the way and he's like ---- "

She goes on talking on and on and I completely forget about kiaan . Black cannot be hidden by anyother colour but I'm shocked that this girl's glow could fight my brother's darkness.

The girls spend their night outside at a party while I complete my pending works. Abhimanyu comes at the apartment next day to yell at his sister and to break some pretty flower vases . Stupid asshole .

When I reach my class they all look at me as if I'm some kind of a ghost. Not only the students but the professor shoots daggers at me with his eyes . I've heard Mr. Mishra is the most difficult teacher at the University but isn't it so quick to face it twice in a row . Yesterday he told me to get lost from his class because I was late , what did I do today ?

"May-- may I come in S-sir"

He slightly tilts his head to the side observing me from head to toe but then all of a sudden his face turns pale and eyes wide.  Something taps next to my foot and I look at a baseball bat next to my heel . My eyes slowly come up to the hand holding it , that veiny arm leading to a rock solid shoulder and those eyes fixed at me . Abhimanyu again .

"How Many teeth will be broken if I swing this bat with full force towards your face " he says still tapping the bat on the ground .

"YOU" he looks at a guy sitting on the front bench who instantly gets up shivering.  Okay this guy is really the Emperor here and a bloody Ruthless one .

"Probably a-all ab-abhimanyu" the guy stutters making a shiver run down my spine.

"Is it ? Mishra ji "he smirks and God,  I thought he was kidding when yesterday he said he'll take care of my professor . Why is he suddenly so obsessed with me like all girls say .

"Cry-crystal my child , why are you standing there , come sit here pl--please " the teacher wipes his forhead with a hand and I stroll inside the class .

"I'll leave it here in case " abhimanyu places the bat near the door " you decide to yell at my girl again"

My girl ?

The fuck .

"I'm not---"

"Focus " he points to the book in front of me "I'll take care of the rest" he leaves with a stupid smile and I so hate him .I so hate him .

I always find myself telling Ivaan that it's better when kiaan is away because seeing him changed hurts me but at times like these I really need him .

Actually I don't,  I don't want to think what monsterous act my brother will pull if he finds about Abhimanyu mandhana's obsession with me.

When the class ends I walk towards the corridor collecting my books . I find abhimanyu standing across the hall with his eyes fixed at me . I'm about to walk towards him in order to tell him to stay away but my phone dings with a notification that makes me shiver in my shoes . For a moment I literally freeze and my blood runs cold when I read and re-read that text .

Kiaan : don't walk towards that asshole or you'll regret it crysie . 

For once I shift my gaze from the phone towards abhimanyu who now starts walking in my direction but I turn around and sprint away  .

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