25. Abhimanyu

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I don't know what gets into me when I grab her arm and take her out of the car. From the stairs to my room , I don't stop for even a second untill I throw her into my bed .

"What's wrong with you" she almost screams.

"What the fuck is wrong with you love? What is wrong with you ? " I bark.

"I'm--- I " she looks at me with teary eyes.

"Didn't I text you so many fucking times ? What games are you playing to get away from me ?" I bend and cage her between my arms.

"I'm not p-playing " she sobs .

"You're taking me too lightly , aren't you?"

"No abhi kiaa--"

"Don't say that bloody name in front of me again, Fuck him . You think I'm least bit concerned about him here ?"

She looks at me with teary eyes but that doesn't cool my anger .

I grab her face with a hand making her look at me .

"He doesn't love you crystal" it's like a jab through her heart, as a tear streams down her cheeks but it's high time she needs a reality check .

"You wanna cry ? We can cry together but this is a fact that he doesn't love you "

"He doesn't " she says in a broken voice .

"Even you don't" she sobs making me even more infuriated but I try my best to control this bloody temper.

I kiss her and look at her with a smile "I am not Kiaan Raghuvanshi and nobody is gonna mention him again. Wipe him off"

"NO " she deadpans.

"You wanna keep getting hurt ?"

"Whatever it takes " she declares.

"Sure " I grab her throat and pin her on the bed.

"Abhimanyu you are hurting me " she digs her nails into my arm.

"Isn't that ironical" I say and lick her lips before bitting her neck . Grabbing both her hands I pin her behind her back and whisper "you like getting hurt, don't you my love ?"

"You are insane , what has gotten into you"

"I told you do not fucking ignore me, unless you want this" I crash my lips on hers and she doesn't have the least bit of idea how much I've been missing her . How much I love her . How much I crave for her.

She's playing? But the game is mine.

"I do not want him to kill you " she sobs making me huff.

"Do you really not know who I am ? Your brother might be a mafia monster but I am way more Ruthless than him . For me you are everything I want so stop trying to be extra smart ." I tear off her dress as she arches her back in a way of wanting me to own her .
"You are inviting death with open arms" she bites my lip drawing out blood.

"Because ,I never knew what addiction is untill I touched you " I suck harder making her moan .


I don't know what my next move should be when I've chosen the mafia princess to be mine . When I want her in every sense .

Now that crystal knows that kiaan hates her , he doesn't matter. He can be removed from her life but the problem here is that she deep down knows how much she cares about him .

This is so fucked up. All this is so fucked up .

I look at the Sun rising as crystal likes it but she's not with me right now . We are at a Cruise for IMU's party on winning Inter-Uni Championship .

Everyone is here . Crystal is with the other girls and probably sleeping.

Someone steps next to me and I sigh when it's him . His face aggravates me so much that I wish I could push him deep into this ocean but the girl I love will be devastated.

"She likes watching the sun rise , I bet you didn't know it" I smirk.

"Tsk , she watches it because for her it's a symbol of hope I bet you didn't know it "he gives me that black look .

"Ohh ,maybe You do care about others " I voice out of infuriation and he replies " I don't know about anyone else but you better run for the hills if you're not serious with my sister "

"Everyone knows how serious I am when it comes to Crystal and look who's talking. The one who's toying around with his sister's friend "I give him a brutal laughter . For once I want to see him getting emotionally hurt and the only one weakness kiaan Raghuvanshi has
is Ishani Solanki .
"although I don't care what you do with ishani but I don't think that girl deserves someone like you "

"You don't need to interfere in my relations unless you have a death wish " kiaan's rage filled eyes dig holes into my face and that's it . I picked on the right nerve . He balls his hands into fists clenching his jaw.

"Then you too don't need to interfere in my relationships kiaan Raghuvanshi. I'll keep Crystal happy . As a brother you should be thankful and stop showing fake concern for my girlfriend "

He tilts his head as if observing me carefully but I don't stop here.

"But here's a friendly advice kiaan " I brush his shoulder "Leave the naive damsel alone ,you can treat any other girl as a fuckbody"

He grabs my collars and an urge to dismantle his features builds inside my body but I can't. I don't know why I can't hit him.

"Crystal won't mind if I rip your toungue out?" His fist lands on my face and a metallic taste bursts inside my mouth. My head begins throbbing as he doesn't stop punching me . I spit blood and my legs loose life . The force he's using clearly shows how much ishani matters to him but how I can't make myself to hit him shows how much Crystal matters to me. My legs turn lifeless as he punches me hard and my head hits an iron boundary and all I see is dark.

"Kiaan !!! " I hear ishani as all other voices start blurring in the background.

"What the fuck"

"I'm seriously going to kill him this time "

"I'd take five minutes to break all your bones ".

"Calm the fuck down "

"But I won't calm down "

"Touch my brother and I'll dump you deep in the ocean"

"Ohh really, let's see then "

"Can you guys shut the fuck up for once "

"Abhi" the last voice I hear is of crystal as she touches my face "who did this to you "

"You should have taught him to choose his words wisely especially when he talks about Ishani " maybe kiaan tells her but her answer makes my heart hurt.

"Shut the fuck up kiaan Raghuvanshi "

I don't know why but my heart sinks to my stomach as I realize , I never wanted this.

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