21. Crystal

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Warning 🔞 -: This chapter contains explicit content.

I look at Abhimanyu's face as we walk down the stairs because He isn't ready to let me stay here .

"You can't force me like that" I twist my wrist in his hold.

"I AM forcing you love" he unlocks his car . My reflection in the tainted windows of his black audi show me that my hair are ruined and I'm a complete mess right now . My makeup is smudged too and my eyes are swollen .I left my phone at the room so my brothers won't be able to track me . Being with Abhimanyu means escaping kiaan for some more time which is very good for both of us .

Holding my upper arms he faces me with determination in his eyes .

"I can't let you stay here right now . Protest more if you want me to kiss you again"

His words make my heart skip a beat and realization hits me when I now know , I want him to kiss me .

I keep standing there and he looks at me with a raised brow.

"Then kiss me" a revolting voice comes from deep down my soul. Today I want to break all rules that I've been following in my life . Today I want to hurt Kiaan . I want to hurt him so bad but more than that, I want Abhimanyu. I want him now .

It takes a few seconds for him to process what I just said and then his lips crash on mine . I dig my nails into his back lifting my right leg up which he holds with his hand .

I don't care about the world today . Fuck rules and fuck my love for kiaan . He has never loved me anyways .

Abhimanyu lifts me off the ground completely as I wrap my legs around him . I now come to know that I've wanted him so bad . I've always wanted someone like him. No only him.

"If you let me continue , I don't think I will be able to stop" he whispers near my neck . My skin tingles by his warm breath.

"Then don't stop" I whisper back and instanly my back hits the car as he sucks at my neck . Soon my feet land at the floor and while kissing me , he opens the car . I sit back as he gives me on last kiss on the lips and shuts the door . I crave for his touch untill he comes on the seat next to me and places his hand on my lap . While driving he touches me everywhere and my body picks up heat . I'm feeling like a fire ball as I long for him to touch me more.

The car stops in front of the Mansion at which he stays with the boys. We enter inside through the back door while he never removes his hand from me. I don't even get the time to look at his room as a very dim light is on and there is no part in me which cares about the room right now .

He rips his shirt open before freeing me from the black dress . I shiver as he touches me naked . His hand runs over my bare body as we both land on his soft bed. The white sheets feel so soft and he feels so rough . Abhimanyu has always been known for violence and temper . I'd say his approach in bed is no different. He's like a wild animal who was just waiting to be freed . He bites and sucks at my sensitive skin leaving no place untouched .

"I'm sorry this is gonna hurt" he says it clear, crystal clear and his words make my body heat up. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and my center throbs . I exactly want that.

"I don't care " I say and he meets my eyes as he leans closer to my face with an instant push that wrenches the soul out of my body . I feel so small under him and my body feels that pain , so much pain and before he turns it into pleasure I wanna feel it.

I don't need to mention it to him that I don't want it slow , I want it rough and wild. He is giving me exactly what I want or maybe he IS what I want .

My whole body jerks as he pounds inside me with so much power. I dig my nails into him and he grunts "fuck, you're killing me Love"

"Say my name " I whisper as he thrusts harder.

"I should be asking that" he chuckles near my neck and he is so damn sexy . His voice is so seductive.

"A-abhi " I tremble and whimper "call me by my name"

"I love you crystal , I love you so fucking much that it's killing me" he kisses me hard before tossing around as I come on top of him now .

I leave a kiss on his chest before his lips connect to mine again and he tosses around coming on top . His way of love is dominating. I've always heard about him as the one who loves to have Control but for me he gave it up sometimes. That doesn't mean he always will.

He bites and kisses me everywhere as a wave of pleasure shoots inside my body . I jerk and vibrate with the force of it as his head falls on my shoulder. I can't recognize my own voice when moans skip my lips and I know I'm going to be so damn sore in the morning.

He kisses my shoulder as I shut my eyes but instantly a face flashes in front of my eyes.

My brother kiaan.

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