15. Crystal

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This chapter consists of a teaser from am upcoming series of books.


"Are you gonna try to convince me that my brother didn't want me dead just now " I give him a smile and he observes my face as if he can read what's going on in my brain. As if he knows .

"Would you trust me if I tell you , he didn't . He would never"

"I wish to" I smile again as tears pool in my eyes .

"Once a man wanted to hurt you, he killed him and you think he'd let you die like that"

I instantly counter him" how would he save me if abhimanyu wasn't there"

"I would" he deadpans "he knew I was there"

"How would you save me from down there" there is no way but a spark of hope lights up in my head.

"You won't question further if I show you?" He looks at me with an expectation of yes as an answer .

I nod as a response.

He smiles and instantly drops my phone from the table in front of us. My mind goes numb on what happens next . Eyes turns double the size as I try my best to take in the scene . My phone stopped in mid air with something he did with his hands . He lifts his fingers and the phone comes higher in the air.

"I couldn't save you huh? " He chuckles while I gulp the lump in my throat .

"Y-you , h-how "

"I said no further questions little sister but keep in mind , he would never ever put your life in danger ." He lifts his hand higher and the phone comes back on its place.

Was that magic ? Or some kind of super power.

"My world is different from yours " he smiles "but still I have to mend things for that shithead "

My brother can be considered the luckiest person on earth when he has a best friend like him and a sister like me . Sometimes self appraisal is good , ishani says .

"One more thing I wanted to ask" he takes out his phone while I look at it with full concentration.

"This girl" his phone has a picture of ishani standing with my brother on DEU's race track . My brother is looking at her with that same poker face but my friend is scared as hell . In the background is my brother's car.

"You know her right?"

I give a sharp nod. "She's ishu"

A smile comes on his face as he turns off the phone and looks at me again.

"What " I question and he opens his mouth to say something that leaves me dumbstruck "kiaan has a serious crush on her "

"WHAT !!!! "
Does he even know what crush is?

"Crush is the simplest word I could find , other words might be obsession, madness --- "

"How is that possible" I can't keep myself on the seat . There is a hope for him, there is a cute adorable reason for him to quit being a monster.

"He saw her on the track and fell face first, that's what I can tell you for now" he chuckles.

"I knew , isn't she so damn cute , he--- he wants her . He wants love" I stop myself from yelling.

"That's why he asked you if you love abhimanyu because if you do , he'll give you your love . Even if that guy is his enemy . It is funny but Kiaan believes in love "

My heart feels so much warmth on his words but do I love abhimanyu? No I d-don't. He isn't a nice guy. I don't want someone like him.

"Thank you for everything bhai" I hug him and he laughs " that shithead means so much to me"

"I know he does , that's what we have in common. I'll help him impress Ishani" I chuckle.

"He won't impress her at all , I just stopped him from frightening the shit out of her"

"Typical Kiaan" we both laugh.

Days pass and I'm kept like a prisoner at my own home. I have not received any details from so long and now I'm worried about Abhimanyu.

I don't know why .

Kiaan sits in the hall with eyes fixed at his laptop while Anish is sitting next to him . I dial a call and walk towards the kitchen saying " hii , ishu . How are you"

Kiaan raises his head instantly and Anish hardly suppresses his laughter .

"Ohh date , that's so cool . I'm so happy to know"

Kiaan looks at anish with a "What the fuck" expression.

"Where ? City park , great . I wish I could help Zara get ready for the date"

My brother sighs and shifts his gaze back to his laptop while I cover my mouth to hide my laughter.

Ishani is gonna faint if she knows my brother is obsessed with her .

"Get out of my fucking way" someone growls from the outside and I place my phone on the counter .

Abhimanyu walks in and my eyes focus on his leg which seems alright now .

"Dickheads are not allowed in here" kiaan says without even looking at abhi.

"Ohh then you shouldn't be sitting Here ." He declares. I can see the change in Abhimanyu's tone . What is about to happen scares the shit out of me .

Kiaan tilts his head to the side as Abhimanyu walks straight towards me and grabs my wrist "no , abhi don't" I twist my arm to free it from him .

"Let's see which motherfucker will stop me today"

My mind goes numb as kiaan reloads his gun .

" Bhai please" I cry and Anish angrily looks at Abhimanyu .

"You have a brother right, what's his name" abhimanyu pretends to think "right Ivaan Raghuvanshi is inside the prison for some drugs case , you didn't know? " He chuckles like a maniac .

"What the fuck did you do" kiaan asks with rage in his eyes.

"Untill now the police must have broken his legs , he has never been to prison but you must know kiaan how it feels . Go save him and put the gun down, even I know how to shoot" he takes out a gun and points it to my brother.

"ABHIMANYU" I yell at him but he doesn't even move .

"Told you love ,I only give three lifelines and after that , nobody is as ruthless as me"

Kiaan clenches his jaw and puts the gun down" you will regret this. You will regret it so fuckimg much"

"When it comes to Crystal Raghuvanshi. I won't regret killing her brother even" he smirks yanking me towards him .

What does he think , I'm a fucking toy or what ?

"I'm gonna kill him, I'm really gonna kill him" kiaan pulls his hair like a psychopath and he's one inch away from really picking that gun again.

"Let him go for now" anish tells.

" Bhai, please let him" I cry and kiaan's eyes have the most amount of rage I've ever seen.

Abhimanyu tightens his grip on my wrist and we head outside my brother's Mansion towards his car .

Tears stream down my cheek . Kiaan never looses and he'll come back with ten times more vengeance than this .

"You will regret this Abhimanyu Mandhana " I warn him but he looks at my face with a poker face which then turns into a smile .

"You mean the world to me love but this is the last time you threaten me" he takes a step towards me and whispers into my ear "or I won't be gentle in the bedroom" he kisses the tip of my nose and I know this is what he was talking about.

His other side , the Ruthless Emperor they all talk about.

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