9. Crystal

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Sometimes I feel as if I can't control anything in my life . I've realized that Abhimanyu Mandhana is the last freaking person on earth I wish to be with so just to get some space from the upcoming war between my brother and him, I ask shruti to take me with her . She is going home for sometime and I'll happily go with her . The only problem is Shivay Raichand , that jerk who is Shruti's friend ,no bestfriend , boyfriend ? Or god knows what. When I asked last time , she told me he's family .

That sounded cute but he isn't that cute when I now look at him through the mirror in this car . Seriously, one hour ago I was packing my stuff thinking that I'll be able to run away from DEU's Ruthless Emperor, and now I'm in the same car with him Shivay and Shru .

This is horrendous . The more I think of it , more it turns out to be bad . My phone is broken , my brother will be released from the prison anytime soon , I have his rival obsessed with me and I'm going god knows where with him .

Sometimes I can't understand if my life invites problems or if they are inbuilt .

"I--- what was that" Shivay squeezes his eyes shut while shru is sitting like a little kitten shrunk in a corner.

"S-o-r-r-y" Abhimanyu speaks up.

"Yes that , or whatever " the rude one glares at me through the mirror .

Abhimanyu turns his head towards his friend who again opens his rude mouth to speak up "I'm sorry Miss Raghuvanshi for making mean comments and yes fuck you abhimnayu "

Shruti grumbles half asleep "that's not how you're supposed to apologize Shiv "

"Yeah actually I'm not even supposed to apologize but this happens when assholes are your friends "

"When assholes are your friends they scare away the girl you're dying to impress " abhimanyu comments .

"I'm not gonna save your ass from Monster Raghuvanshi for sure "

"Shut the fuck up Mr Raichand or I have a mouth that I'll run in front of Uncle regarding you being --"

"Okay that's enough both of you " shru almost yells .

"Regarding me being ?" Shivay smirks .

"I'll kill you if you say that abhi " shru yells .

"And I'll kill you if you don't "

Waao , now I really wanna know .

"What the fuck am I? Free kill ? Extra friend who isn't needed or an asshole who is just playing his part in increasing India's population?" Abhimanyu speaks dramatically.

"I agree with the asshole part " shivay comments and automatically I say "yeah me too " which earns me a chuckle from shivay and a death glare from Abhimanyu.

"See ? She's a smart girl" shivay laughs . "Now I'm genuinely sorry Crystal "

"It's Okay" I smile back .

After I see Shruti's home and meet her parents , I'm about to ask her where to get a new phone but before that Abhimanyu literally drags me out of the Mansion .

"Abhimanyu leave me" I try to free my elbow from him but he takes me to a corner where he pushes me against the wall and looks into my eyes with rage .

"What the hell are you doing" I scream but he comes close to my face breathing my air with his orbs fixed at my face .

"Why did you agree with that fucker"

"Are you angry because your ego got shattered in front of a friend Mister Emperor"

"Fuck no--- no crystal " he seems vexed , utterly vexed.

"You cannot agree to another man. Insult me all you want I don't care because I give you that freedom but do not agree with or smile at another man ever again or I swear"

"What" I question and he keeps looking into my eyes without blinking.

"You don't wanna know that " he holds my hand and takes me towards his car " we're gonna stay out for the night"

"Wait , no . You think I'll spend a night with you"

He immediately turns to look at me with a smirk on his face" Don't put ideas in my head . I'm taking you home . My mom will keep you safe ,from me too "

"Mom"a smile automatically comes on my face . Kiaan loved our mother so much . It was only after she was gone , he lost himself .

"You can take my mom forever if you're gonna smile like that"

"You don't even know what a mother's value is if you are so easly ready to let her go ."

"Who said I'm ready to let her go, she's mine , you are mine . Eventually it's a win win "

"Ohh you wish"

We keep bickering untill we reach his home , skipping the car ride . He walks with me the distance to his home from Shruti's .

When we step in front of it , it is a huge building with uncountable glass windows and a large beautiful balcony .

The guard immideatly opens the door for him and we stroll inside the Mansion.

I don't know why I'm with him but at this moment it feels right. I know tommorow will bring destruction for him more than for me but still I want to take the risk for once in life .

"You said Zara is not coming but I can hear tapping of heels an---- and " a tall slim lady dressed in a white top and pink trousers stops in front of me . Her hair are tied in a neat ponytail and she's an absolutely Devine beauty .
Her gaze bounces between me and abhimanyu as she speaks "kabir catch me before I faint , my Abhi is back home with a beautiful girl"

A man voices from somewhere in the house I cannot see " like a girl, girl? Actual girl ?"

"Ofcourse , I cannot be hallucinating right"

Abhimanyu chuckles and speaks up "a well, she's---"

"She is your girlfriend ? " the man very similar looking to abhimanyu and with almost the same kind of voice comes out from a room dressed in an Italian cut suit .

"Almost dad almost" he speaks and I shoot glares at him before speaking up .

"He's delusional ignore him --- uncle , if I can call you that"

"Ofcourse you can do that honey . God I waited for this day so much . I thought my son is never gonna like a girl ever but seriously now I know it was all worth the wait. This girl is perfectly perfect. " I keep on looking at the lady who talks so sweet. I almost feel like seeing my mother again. Kiaan should actually see this .

Hell no, I take that back.

Ishani's Mr. God , I take that back. Don't send him here .

"Now that your mom is very happy ,I wanna talk to you and yeah I'm really happy to meet you crystal" his dad speaks pointing at abhimanyu and then at me .
He knows my name, but how?
Abhimanyu nods and his mother holds my hand .

"You must be hungry , come"

"Wait" abhimanyu stops me .

"This is for you love, I'll be back soon. Bear with Zara 2.0 till then" he smiles giving me a phone and walks away.

"Now that he found someone , he's gonna openly show his love . I know my son" she laughs .

But I am not the one Mrs. Mandhana . I can never be . My brother would burn down your world and take me back after tearing your family apart. My life is twisted and I'll leave yours soon .

I turn on the screen and kiaan's image with me flashes on the screen of the new phone. A pic from when we were kids . How did he get that ?

I like your family Abhimanyu but my brother is my first love . He always will be .

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