12. Abhimanyu

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"WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO ?" I immediately get up looking at Shivay with disbelief.

"Eye for eye , sister for sister? Something like that . Told you , call him Satan's Heir for a reason "

"He abducted Zara ????" I sidestep him and dial Zara's number while walking towards their apartment building.

Switched fucking off !

I knew he wouldn't sit quiet but this is hitting below the belt . Actually there is no rule when you fight with these bloody Raghuvanshis .

Fuck ! I shouldn't say that .

I have no damn idea what I should be doing right now . My life has turned hell and I call my love an enchantress for a reason. She really fucked my life up without even doing anything .

When I enter inside all girls look completely shocked and dejected .

"God , I hate that guy , I hate him so much" ishani yells punching in the air .

"And he doesn't care" devansh says from behind me.

"Who cares about him then ? Tell me who does?"

"I do" my eyes land at crystal sitting in a corner with her palms kept on her eyes .

I squat in front of her and remove her hands "love it's not your fault "

"Yours it is " she looks at me with teary eyes .

"Exactly" shivay voices.

"I'll make it right" I say and Dial a call to Ivaan because kiaan doesn't have a fixed number . Bloody criminal .

Exactly what I thought , the one who picks it up is the one I wanted to talk to .

"Give my sister back" I deadpan.

"Stand ten steps away from my crysie and talk " his voice is calm and cold with an edge of warning and threat .

"She's not here"

"Ohh, She absolutely is , don't take me for a fool Mandhana , she's MY sister ."

" a sister you do not even care for , you are a self- centric bastard brother who is so self- absorbed and egoistic that he cannot see how much pain this girl is in because of YOU " I growl and Crystal covers her mouth with a hand.

"Stop it" she mouths joining her hands in front of my face .

"This is the second lifeline you lost Kiaan Raghuvanshi, give my sister back or I'll seriously kill you" I growl .

"Exactly " ishani screams so loud, I almost go deaf . This girl is seriously a one-piece.

It's as if her voice irritates him and the line goes dead the very next second .

Bloody hell" I smash my phone on the wall . Instantly Ishani's brother kavish and Zara's fiance, Asshole Archit walks in .

"Waao great " Crystal slaps her forhead "now how will you contact him Mr super smart " she questions with apprehension .

"No need I'll directly kill him" her face turns cold as I get up and start for the door but shivay grabs my arm "Calm down first of all, we'll figure out something "

"Oh my god will she be alright " inayat holds her head with both hands pacing through the room.

"We need to do something " kavish says . They all are making me more and more restless . I can't figure out what to do.

"Give me all the details, all of them " Archit asks and inayat explains the scenario to him. To which Dev speaks up "They obviously Picked DEU's empress , this is a clear cut revenge because we made an attack on the Raghuvanshi Mansion that day "

"Obviously kiaan is behind it . The first thing he did after coming out is this ,revenge " kavish speaks up and his sister looks so worried for Zara while Crystal is continuously crying . This is all so fucked up.

"Crystal can you call him " Archit says making my blood boil . She won't do anything like that. I don't know what kiaan is gonna do to her .

"She'll not call him , we don't want another one in danger ." I snatch her phone but she counters me "He is my brother and he won't kill me like he might do to Zara "

"You need to keep your mouth shut right now , I swear I'm gonna kill you if anything happens to her and this time I am giving you the warning" Archit gives me a black look . That Attack on IMU would have been my biggest mistake but I found my love there , how can I regret it ? Falling for a mafia princess has its consequences. I'm ready to face them but not on the cost of my sister.

"She is my sister , do you think I'll want this to happen to her ? "

"What's up crysie " I hear the same voice again but now from Crystal's phone. She has his number which nobody else has . The last time she dialed a call to him was one year ago . Woah!

"Bh--- bhai " her face turns pale . Shit! Why is she doing this?

"Did you --- I mean are you behind Zara's kidnap ?"

"And who do you think gave you the permission to ask me anything dear Crysie " she freezes and fuck you kiaan . You are a real real monster . Satan's Heir for a Reason .

"She's my friend " she almost whispers .

"Go sleep and don't think about anything else " immideatly archit snatches the phone from her .

"Kiaan , where is Zara , I swear I'll rip you apart if you touch her "

"Tsk tsk , not intrested in a vagina , that's not my standard. Now am I missing something? Why is the Oberoi worried for little doll ?"
Because you are a bloody asshole .

"Shut the bloody fuck up Kiaan Raghuvanshi , I'll rip your tongue out " Archit is so infuriated at this moment . I can see how much he loves Zara but I refuse to accept that .

"If he doesn't I will " I turn around to find Archit's brother Zain."Give Zara back respectfully kiaan "

"See I didn't know you'd have any problem with me killing her but now it's a win win . They attacked on my Mansion and I took their empress. That's all " He is such an arrogant prick . He thinks the world belongs to him and I hate nobody in the world as much as I hate him but irony is that I love the girl who loves nobody as much as she loves him.

"In case you are forgetting we have your sister too kiaan" shivay the second most arrogant human on earth says and I see Crystal's face turning pale . Seriously Shiv ? How many more times is he going to hurt my girl?

"Ohh smart as always shivay my favourite. You know if you land a finger on my sister you'll see my bad side and I'm sure you don't want to . Now go sleep , the girl won't make it to the next day" he makes it crystal clear. Touch his sister and get a free trip to hell .

I don't know if it is right or wrong but right now for me too , my first priority is protecting this girl even when my sister is dying right there .

Afterall we all are Selfish motherfuckers .

"Kiaan , don't take me for a joke . I really am gonna kill you if anything happens to her" Archit's eyes are red and his eyebrows knitted together with apprehension.

"And I don't give a flying fuck , stop wasting my time" this time again the line is about to go dead but ishani is the one who yells at him like nobody would dare .

"I get it kiaan Raghuvanshi is scared of facing them right ? Give them the address if you have that much of courage "

"I think kiaan will leave Zara and kill her first" devansh says with annoyance but the answer that comes from the other side shocks me .
"Aright, alright hunter if you are asking for it . I'll give you the location , come and take your girl BUT don't forget to bring the one who dared to attack me ."

"Thank me later , he had it coming " ishani rolls her eyes and flips her hair back .

"Man , she's a one piece . Is she single " devansh asks inayat but when he sees kianat he gets irritated.

"You wanna get killed with bare hands , mothefucker? while we are at it . One more sister game will be fine" kavish threatens him .

"Let's go " I tell Archit but crystal gets up " I wanna come too"

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