11. Cryatal

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Translations are at the end of the chapter.

"Did he see me ? " I ask anish as he directs me towards the room.

"Just now when you were watching the match ? Yes, he did so he sent me to bring you"

"Where is Ivaan "

"Right there" he points at my and kiaan's elder brother standing in front of the door . He smiles as soon as he sees me . "Don't worry I'm right here" he wraps his arm around my shoulder while Anish walks inside the room.

"Is---is he angry ?"

"Not at all" He smiles " just tell him whatever you know okay ? He won't hurt you crystal , I won't let him"

I know he will never hurt me intentionally.

Ivaan opens the door slowly as I hear Anish saying  "a hundred and one percent sure"

"After this I'm gonna beat your ass on the track and let's see if you can still say that " kiaan replies and his eyes stop at me . Ivaan leaves me and walks towards anish .

A shiver runs down my body when my brother looks at me with an expression I can't figure out and he tilts his head to the left . I slowly walk towards the couch on his left and sit . Once I open my mouth to say something , he places his phone in front of him on the table .

"What's the name of that fucker Ab-- abhi what ?" He says looking at me but I know the question is not directed towards me .

"Abhimanyu , Heir of Mandhanas" Anish says from the place he's standing .

I gulp the lump in my throat as kiaan looks at me with that cold expression  .

The first question was not for me but the next one however is directed towards me only .

Kiaan sits straight moving a little forward . His gaze has now shifted to the ground as his hair fall on half of his forhead . My brother's daunting personality scares some girls away but all others can literally die for him even if he's the one killing them . He's the definition of handsome mafia monster . The cold hearted beast . For me my hero and my guardian . My biggest fear but still my world .

"I'm gonna ask you only once  Crysie " he pauses at my name and his eyes meet mine sending a death stare . A warning ,not to lie "what happened at the night of the attack at home ?"

I gulp the lump in my throat as Abhimanyu's face flashes in front of my eyes .


"Don't fucking dare to lie at my face baby sister."

Another warning .

Should I tell him  ? The first thing he'll do is get up, reload his gun and stop only when he kills Abhimnayu. Ruin another family. Zara is my friend and they all don't deserve this because of me.

"Maine kuch ni dekha bhai" I look into his eyes and lie .

I lie at his face .

"Are you sure about it " he asks again . Does he already know and he's playing with me ?

"I was in my room , ch-- changing clothes . All of a sudden the alarms went on . There was a great chaos outside . Ivaan came to check up on me and I told him I was fine " this time I keep looking at his phone which is continuously getting notifications.

He keeps looking at me while ivaan says "that's true"

He raises his hand and I flinch . His hand comes near my face for tucking a strand of hair behind my ear . Shit! Shit! He'll see it . He'll see it .

"I hope my crysie didn't ommit any detail" he places a hand on my head and caresses it . I sigh in relief .

" and I hope she isn't saving anyone"

I nod and try my best to smile .

"You'll come home with me but for now , stay at your room" he gets up and I get up too but surprisingly he wraps his arm around me . A wave of happiness shoots in my body . He starts walking outside while I match my steps with him . Ivaan and Anish follow us .

Through the crowd , I don't even realize when and how his other shoulder collides hard with someone . The guy angrily turns around and it's him . Abhimanyu . So the hit was intentional.

This is the first hit . This is the official start to it . Start to a War .

Abhimanyu looks at kiaan's face and I know he is trying hard to keep his cool after his eyes land at me . His gaze bounces between me and my brother . Kiaan's hand is firm on my shoulder with his eyes fixed at his arch Rival. When  universities compete against each other . The guys who control them automatically become arch rivals .

"I'd give you three lifelines and this was the first you lost" abhimanyu glares at my brother who Burts out laughing like a madman .

"And why would you do that Abhimanyu "

Abhimanyu shifts his gaze to me and chills run down my body when he opens his mouth to say "for someone I love , I can bear with a fucker"

Kiaan doesn't react at first . As if he's processing what abhimnayu just said.  He drops his arm from my shoulder and steps towards Abhimanyu.  Face to face ,eye to eye. 

"I heard you punched that hunter for your sister" kiaan pretends to think and instantly gives a death glare to abhimnayu "I won't punch , my crysie will get one eyeball as a birthday gift , the other one I'll send to kabir Mandhana so that no fucker ever dares to put eyes on the daughter of Raghuvanshis"

My legs shiver because I know , I know kiaan doesn't  bluff . He then grabs my arm and brings me in front of him .

I instantly focus on the ground not daring to look at Abhimnayu when kiaan is here .

"Look at him baby sister" he voices placing a hand on my nape but I shake my head as tears pool in my eyes.

"Fuck , she won't even look at you. That's too bad . Okay I'll give you another chance, give him a glance crysie "

I do not dare . I never will.

Kiaan bursts out laughing and pulls me back wrapping his arm around me again . I try hard to prevent the tears from streaming down my cheeks .
"Tsk tsk Emperor , kiaan Raghuvanshi's sister won't even spit a glance at someone like you"

"The day you'll gain courage to raise that head love ,and meet my eyes in front of him, I'll fight for you .  I promise." He says but kiaan takes me away but not before flipping him off .

Who will you fight Abhimanyu? This man is my lifeline . I'd rather die before loosing him .

Running away from you is all I can do .


Maine kuch ni dekha bhai
( I didn't see anything brother)

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