Epilogue-: Crystal

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After 12 Years

I carefully put the cupcakes on a plate and wait for the door to open. Once heer comes from that door I'm so gonna force her to eat at least one . I don't care about her diets.  I mean at her age she doesn't even need diets. She's just 15.

The door opens but with a loud bang . The househelps move away from the door as soon as she walks in .

"I'm so gonna kill him " she screams and I know Reyansh did something to her again.

"What's wrong" dad comes from his room apprehended .

"That arrogant Rey bullied me with his stupid friend and why does he even come to my school . I Hate Him mama"

"Kiaan doesn't stop him so he does what he wants." Dad says and I see Abhimanyu walking down the stairs .

"Papa this is not fair" she throws her bag on a couch and rushes towards him.

"I'll talk to him don't worry " abhi throws an arm around her shoulder and she pouts .

"He won't listen, at least Daksh is better than him . Just change my school"

"No need,  I'll talk to ishani" I say as mom comes from the front door talking to.....Reyansh ?

Daksh comes in following them.

"Ask him dad , scold him"heer tells abhi  who now speaks up " what did you do"

"Me ? Broke a few bones , two sports car races and---- yeah , broke a bastard's jaw too"

Waao , sometimes I feel like kiaan is living his life again, this time in a more twisted manner . Reyansh is now 24 and he specially goes to Heer's school just to Bully her ?

"Not that what did you do to my doll at school  " dad says as Reyansh's eyes now land at her on the stairs with Abhi .

"Who is she , I don't know her " he says with a poker face .

"That's not good Reyansh" abhi voices and Heer argues " that's it ? You're not gonna tell him to get lost ? You never take my side papa , at least uncle kiaan does . I'm going to call him and you" she snaps her fingers at Reyansh who doesn't even spare her a glance "wait and watch" and she rushes upstairs.

Daksh laughs and picks a cake from the plate in front of me .

"She's too surly" he voices and abhi grabs him by the nape. 

"Want me to break your teeth " he then turns towards Rey " and you "

Reyansh gets up and heads outside saying "save the lecture uncle"

"That's my car " daksh rushes behind him while mom dad leave for a walk .

"Will she be really angry with me" Abhimanyu asks .

"She can't stay like that for long" I smile and he hugs me.

"I won't let kiaan succeed in becoming her favorite"

"Is she your favorite now?" I question and he chuckles "not more than you" and kisses me . Life passes by so fast when it is spent with someone you love with so much passion . For me Abhimanyu came like thunderstorm who Firstly disrupted the monotonous life of mine and then transformed it . Everything fell into place because of him and I can't be more thankful of him for that. I love him so much. Ofcourse he is that Rutheless Emperor whose love for me is inflexible.

***The End***

I think in this book kiaan has been mentioned more than the main protagonists but the journey of this book also was amazing for me.

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