10. Crystal

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" it is really beautiful " I tell Zara's mom observing the room she gave me . It's Zara's room . She's such a cute ,polite and amazing woman . I can literally spend eternity with her . This attatchment although is scary .

"I can't believe Zara locked her closet , I thought she was kidding when she told me about locking it last time when Abhimanyu ruined her dresses during a fight and I cannot give you something comfortable to wear. I only wear formals or night gowns . "

"She can wear this" abhimanyu brings his t-shirt for me and his mom grins "perfect"

"Thanks" I speak taking the t-shirt but he holds it tight untill his mother leaves the room.

"Come I'll give you my room tour , you change there"

"You think I'll fall for that? Try harder Abhimanyu." I roll my eyes .

"Trying hard would be a little awkward on my sister's bed"

"Shut up and get out" I push him out of the room and lock it . I place the t-shirt on the bed and try to remove my dress but the wound mister wanker mandhana gifted me hurts like hell as the necline touches it .

"Fuck fuck" I scream and pull the dress down again . When I wore it I didn't think of the consequences . I would literally cut the dress had it been somewhere else but I need these clothes for tommorow. I also don't wanna ask Shru for clothes at this time in the night .

"Are you alright love?"

"Why would you do that , it hurts like hell "

"Why wouldn't you get it properly treated" he bangs on the door "being careless won't cure it . I regret it more than you can think"

"I know but"

"Open the door let me help"

"No call aunty"

"And let her undress you ? I'm too protective to let that happen"

" Seriously now Abhimnayu?" I open the door and he steps in . I have no damn options .

"Come here " he grabs the hem of my dress and carefully removes it while saying "why wouldn't you get it treated "

"I don't want kiaan to see shit loads of bandages and--"

"And kill me for doing that" he gives me the t-shirt and turns around.

"And kill me for hiding that"

"Nobody can touch you love"

"Well my brother can".

"He'll have to kill me first"

I freeze with my hands on the top of my head mid-way into making a bun .

"He won't hesitate, I've seen him do it already"

"But you haven't seen me do it my love , trust me it will be worse once I loose it" he smiles and kisses my forhead before he leaves the room. I don't know anything but tommorow and days after that are gonna be horrendous.

I walk inside the boxing stadium of our university with Zara . We are back at the campus and I'm here to watch the boxing match between Zara's current fiance Archit and Her brother Abhimnayu.

"Hello to all the youngsters of Dream Elites . This is the opening match of Inter-Universuty Annual Championship and what can be better than Elites' Emperor Fighting first. Girls who are crushing over our handsome hunk , he's right here with no shirt on . Cheer him up girls."

All girls except us two go mad once Abhimanyu steps in the ring . Zara has her eyes fixed at the opponent with tattoos. I don't know who she's rooting for . I'm just here to watch and then I'll immediately go back to the apartment because my brother is here Today . Yes , kiaan is back . Ivaan told me he's somewhere in the Racing Stadium . I'm not at all scared because I knew this is gonna come . I just wanna see that he's fine . Although nobody dares to touch him in or out of the prison but still.

"He will face kiaan, Only if he survives this " I say looking at the scary guy Archit who is really a tough competitor for Abhimanyu .

"What? " she asks amidst loud cheering

"I said your brother is in high risk of loosing his life to my monster of a brother only if he survives this war with a hunter " I laugh as if it's really funny .

"Ohh you don't know him , my brother is never scared of anyone except a man named Kabir Mandhana "she laughs back .

Students from both universities cheer their guys and I watch silently . I think Abhimnayu deserves a few punches . My injury is still not cured and it will leave a mark too .

As the match begins Abhimnayu lunges at Archit like a bull and literally he's unstoppable. He's ready to kill Archit. Maybe because he took Zara away even when Abhimnayu hates him . What is more shocking is that Archit doesn't fight back and this guy is literally beating the shit out of his sister's fiance .

Mandhana ! Mandhana ! Mandhana !! DEU's crowd goes mad as uncountable number of punches land at Archit .

" Ouch, ouch , ohh damn " I mumble . He's really gonna kill a poor guy.

"He won't fight " Zara Says in a panicking voice .

"Why "

"Because I asked him not to " she rushes towards the ring . Why would she do that?

"Come on abhi beat the fucker to a pulp " Abhimanyu's friend Devansh screams . What more do you want him to do ?

I'm petrified when my eyes suddenly land at a black hoddie. A mascular broad back of a guy with "Never too late to kill" written at it in white . My spine jerks straight as the guy walks through the crowd. When people look at him , all they do is gape and gasp . He's--- he's kiaan . That's the time I realize and he turns towards the ring . His eyes fixed at Abhimanyu . Shit!!

"What the fuck are you doing Archit " Ishani's brother yells at Archit . I see Zara near the ring while kiaan is talking to a guy with his eyes fixed at the match . Shivering in my shoes I take a few steps back and turn around to leave. I make my way through the crowd and finally step out of the auditorium, ready to dash away but someone grabs my arm . I freeze and peterify turning around.

Anish . Thanfully , kiaan's best friend smiles at me while students scream from inside . Abhimanyu won . Maybe last time in his life .

"Hey little sister how have you been" he pulls me into a formal hug and I smile back .

"I'm fine , how are you"

"I'm good and the one you're thinking about is fine too . Perfectly handsome and giving no fucks as usual" he chuckles " he just ate and downed a beer bottle ."

I laugh back as Anish speaks. He's the one who keeps me most connected to the real kiaan . Ivaan makes me scared of him more but anish is life saver for my relationship with my brother .

"But there is a tiny problem" he scratches the back of his neck.

"What" I shiver while asking .

"He wants to see you"

I freeze , kiaan never wants to see me or anyone but today he does . I saw it coming but still its scary .

"Come, he's there in a room"

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