chapter 12 ~ y/n's pov

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it's was now lunch time and me and the girls are hanging out on the beach while the boys surf. "so y/n, how's it going with you and your boyfriend?" sarah jokes like he doesn't have a name. "great actually. i've never been so in love with someone before." i reply, blushing. "so rafe meant nothing to you?" kie jokes. i laugh and nod in secret. "ugh! you guys are literally perfect together." sarah groans happily. "i know, they're so adorable. i'm almost jealous." kiara groans happily as well. "how can you be jealous when you just hooked up with pope.." sarah asks. "WHAT?!" i laugh. "oh yeah i forgot to tell you y/n, you were too busy sharing spit with jj." kiara giggles. "okay okay! just tell me!" at this point, i'm dead serious to hear this story. she finishes the whole story and i realize something. "wait so this means everyone is dating one person in the group. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!" i exclaim. they tilt their heads in confusion. "we can finally have dinner dates and fun romantic couple-y stuff!" they both look at each other very amused. "we could do that tonight! i mean..we are in kook-landia technically. we can do whatever we want now that we are rich!" sarah exclaims. "YESS!!" kie screams before we all yell "WOOGITY WOOGITY!" and laugh. 

the boys walk up to our little set up area. since us three girls are sitting on two combined towels in a row, john b walks up to sarah, pope walks up to kiara and jj walks up to me. the boys each kiss their partners like we're in a movie which they obviously planned to try and impress us. "you boys ready?" i ask. they all say "yes!" and we head over to the twinkie in the parking lot. jj wants to drive us back home so we are all nervous a little bit and i sit in the front next to jj. 

THE PLAN ~ JJ MAYBANK x Y/N ROUTLEDGEWhere stories live. Discover now