VIII - "The Commitment"

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"The rain was pouring heavily, I can smell his scent as our body touched. His hand explored my body and it gave me warmth. "

Passionately we kissed, we were all over his room. As he kissed me, he whispered how much he loved me.

And then everything stopped. As I slowly moved my face away gasping for air. Reality hit me.

Perv, what if one day all of this would stop? I asked as I run my fingers on his face.

What would stop? He asked

Us? You know that I am not here to stay right? I looked at him waiting for his response

Then I will go wherever you will go... He replied

No you can't! You have a son he needs you. I said

Then I'll bring him with us.. He replied

You know that is not gonna happen right? I told him

Then I'll fuckin work my ass off to finish off the annulment. He said

And there was complete silence..
I stood up and took my clothes that are all over his room and dressed up.

Perv I need to go. I said

Can you stay here for a bit? He asked

I can't, I said

Please? He begged

God there he goes with that puppy look again. But I won't give in

NO... I need to go

And that was the end of it. We stood up dressed and started walking. As we were walking.

Can you just be mine? I swear I am going to take care of you and love you till forever. He asked

You know that is not going to happen. I told him

Then what are we? He asked

Special friends. I said

I hate this situation I don't know where I stand. Sanji said

Then you should stop. I said coldly

So its just like that? He asked
We've been together for six months and I didn't force you to label what we have. Then now you are just leaving it all behind.

Yes, don't get me wrong OK? I love you but not the same way as you loved me. I appreciate you caring for me. I like the smell of your perfume, the way you kiss me. But its just that... Nothing more nothing less.
I said looking away to hide my emotions. I am on the brink of breaking down.

Well I just want you to know that I do not treat you like a fuck buddy. If I can't have you forever then I will make sure that every time I spend with you is a moment you would remember. He voice giving away his emotions.

I know Perv. Our love story is cute but sad to say we can't be together. K said

Why? I really don't understand it. He asked

Perv, Its either this or nothing at all. I looked at him coldly.

OK , understand he said


I turned away to brush a teardrop.

Why does she think this way? I thought.
Does she have another guy? A lot of questions came to my head.
Yes a lot of them.

So I kissed her on her forehead and said goodbye.

On his way home I texted her

"I know you have your secrets,
You can tell them at your convenient time."

What are you saying? She asked

Never mind I just got home. I said

It took me many months before she opened up to me. But still there were some parts of her life that were left untold.

Violet was the kind of person that never ask all the details, I am the complete opposite.

Although we were opposites we were still attracted with each other. But at times our ends just don't meet. And this went on for how many months.

This is our story, The story of Violet and the perverted cook Sanji.

I hope that you guys are having fun reading. Don't be a ghost reader! Please feel free to leave your comments. And don't forget to vote.


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