Chapter Nine

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“Are you out of your mind!?” Katrina’s father, Mr. Henderson, thundered. “Do you have any idea of your claims?”
Katrina didn’t expect her father to react to the news this way.
She had arrived here and was a hundred percent sure that once her parents listened to this recording, they would rewire their speculations about Aaron and do the right thing. They would take action and bring him to justice.
“Dear.” Her mother’s eyes reflected worry. “This is a huge matter. Don’t you know that this will land us all in trouble?”
“But, Mum.” Katrina was desperate. “You have to believe me. When Cassie passed away, no one knows who stabbed her with the knife. This is the proof, Dad.” She faced her father. “You didn’t believe me when I told you Aaron must have a hand in it. Are you still going to turn a blind eye even after listening to this?”
“You are out of your mind, Katrina.” Her father stomped his cane on the ground. “There is no way Aaron is involved in your sister’s death. You grew up together, you should know this better than anyone else.”
Her father’s words stung her heart like needles, and Katrina’s tears rolled down uncontrollably.
“Do you want me to replay the audio or what!?” She screamed. “He literally mentioned her name. ‘Killing Cassie had been an easy fit.’ Does that sound like a joke?”
“Katrina.” her mother held her shoulder and shook her. “I understand you’re heartbroken about your sister's death. But accusing your husband is a wrong thing. Aaron is a good boy, everyone knows that. His father and your father are childhood friends. So stop this please,” she pleaded in a whisper. “Stop this nonsense and don’t let a word out.”
“No, let her continue.” Her father’s body shook with rage. “She has always been a troublemaker. Her goal has always been to bring shame to this family. She ran from home to study abroad, and now that she has to replace her sister, she can’t wait to make a fool out of us. If only I have another child, I wouldn’t have asked you to take over your sister’s position. I knew you were always going to be trouble.” He paused and patted his chest. “You know how much this marriage is crucial to the family’s business. And you also know how every family in this city will give anything to have one of their children wedded to the Jacksonvilles' only heir. You were given this opportunity and you’re not contented. I know canceling the honeymoon was all part of your tricks. And I wish your leg had been broken for real.”
But Katrina’s ankle had really been bruised. Seemed like her parents didn’t believe any of that. They didn’t want to even believe this obvious evidence. She would always be labeled as the troublemaker in the family.
“That’s right, Dear.” Her mother gazed at her with worry. “Why did you cancel the honeymoon with your husband? Don’t you know that it is important?”
Her mother spun her around and checked her out from head to toe. “It has been a week since you got married. Don’t tell me nothing has happened between you yet. You should start showing signs by now.”
The signs that she was pregnant?
Katrina’s heartbreak knew no bounds. She laughed and sobbed at the same time.
What the hell was wrong with her parents? Were they this afraid of Aaron?
Or, did they really not care about her sister?
“You both are unbelievable,” she gritted out. “Growing up, I thought you loved Cassie the most. I thought you prioritized her more than anything else. Now her murderer is roaming freely and you can’t do anything.”
She paused and wiped her tears furiously.
“If Aaron isn’t the real murderer, then how can you explain this?” she brought out the photo and tossed it on the ground. “Everyone can tell he has been planning this for a long time. And who knows, I am his next victim. But do you even care?” she snickered. “You can overlook Cassie’s death, I am very sure you’re both going to celebrate my death.”
“Stop with your nonsense.” Her father cut her off. “And this…” He picked up the photo from the floor. “This is childish. Tell me you didn’t draw this yourself.”
Katrina laughed again amid her sobs. Why was she not surprised by her father’s words?
If they didn’t believe the recording, it would be a miracle for them to believe what was in the photo.
“Kat, listen.” her mother sighed and stared at her with pity. “I know it is hard for you replacing your sister. I didn’t back up that idea a hundred percent. But please understand that your father did this for all of us. Aaron’s family and ours need each other to survive.”

“But, Mum.”
“No buts.” Her mother shook her head. “And no one is going to be the next victim. I am sure that your husband isn’t going to touch a hair on your body. Calm down and go back home. You need to fulfill what your sister wasn’t able to. You have to make him happy and give us a grandchild soon. That is the only way to tighten the bond between the families.”
“Your mother is right.” Her father sighed resignedly. “I implore you, Katrina.” he softened his voice. “Don’t cause us any more trouble. Do what you are supposed to do and forget about your sister’s death.”
Forget about her sister's death?
Katrina’s shoulders dropped. She sniffled while her grip tightened on her phone.

Forgetting about her sister’s death was impossible.
Her parents had failed her sister, and she was never going to do that.
They were a huge disappointment, prioritizing material things over the love they had for their children.
It was heartbreaking, and she was never going to forgive them. Ever.

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