number one

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So I wake up one day, I get ready, and leave my apartment. I decide to go to the gym since it's my day off from my job at the library, and I've been wanting to get a workout.

When I get to the gym, I stumble into this guy named Asmodeus at the entrance. Get this, he's the prince of a demon realm, a super famous wrestler, and a gym coach. And get THIS, I used to go to high school with him!! We weren't close or anything, though, since we were complete opposites. Me being nerdy & uncool, and him being athletic and popular. He wasn't mean, though, as most people would assume someone like him would be.

"Oh uh sorry my bad" I say to him.

"Oh, no, it's fine! After you." He replies.

I enter the gym and check in as a guest at the front counter.

He walks in after me and goes, "Heyy... you're Kaleb from high school, right?"

I say, "uhhhh yeah," trying to avoid him, but not in, like, a rude way.

I walk to the MENS washroom because I'm a guy on the other side of the gym with my gym bag, and he follows me.

"Is this your first time coming here?" he asks in a polite manner.

"Yeah," I say, stepping foot in the wash room.

I set my gym bag on the floor and get into my gym clothes..? I've never been to a gym, but he also changes into some gym clothing and puts a sweatband on his head.

"D'you mind if I show you the ropes? I've been itching to work out with someone today.!" he asks.

"Uh.. sure, why not," I say.

I wasn't really wanting a tour because I was just planning on just running on a treadmill or lifting weights for a bit, but, whatever.

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