number three

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The next day, I wake up and get ready to go to work. I shower, brush my teeth, put my uniform on, and eat breakfast.

I decide to go to my job an hour or two before it opens. The library/bookstore I work at isn't too far from my apartment, so I just walk there.

When I arrive, there's a truck, and my coworker, Claire, is unloading a lot of new books from it. I go over and give her a hand.

After a couple of minutes, we've unloaded all of the books, we take them all into the library to stack them on the shelves. Once we're finished, we sit down in the break room and wait until it's opening time.

"So what'd you do yesterday?" Claire asks me.

"I went to the gym," I respond. "That reminds me," I say, and then I check my phone for any new messages. Nothing.

'Ugh, whatever,' I thought to myself. 'Why would someone as cool and popular as him want to message me, anyway? He was probably just hanging out with me because he didn't have anything better to do.'

I put my phone up and a few minutes later, it's opening time.

Claire unlocks the doors to the library, and almost immediately, a few customers walk in.
I work as the cashier while Claire sits at the assistance desk.

I sit at the cash register, playing on my phone a bit until someone walks up to check out.

"Will this be all for today?" I ask them, looking at the singular book they'd placed down. From the cover, I could tell it was a book about wrestling.
I then looked at the customer, and to my surprise, it was none other than the guy I had hung out with last night. Asmodeus.

'Why in the world is he here? This must be a joke,' I thought. I stare at him. He's wearing a black leather jacket, which makes him give off some rebellious vibes. 'There's no way he came to ME at MY cash register on MY work day to get one of MY bookstore's books.'

"Yup. That's all I'm getting," he says to me.

I scan his book, put it in a plastic bag and ask, "Do you want a receipt?"

"No," he says calmly as he takes his bag. Before he leaves, he quickly turns around and asks me, "I almost forgot! I came here to ask you if you wanted to go to the cafe with me later today?"

"Sure," I say, "but why'd you come all the way here and buy an entire book just to ask me that? You could've just texted me."

He grins at me and says, "I wanted to see you in person."

We look at eachother for a few seconds before he leaves and says, "Well, see you at 5, then?"

I nod at him and watch him leave.

'Why is he being so nice to me? We we've never even spoken to eachother until now,' I think to myself.

Even though I can't keep my mind off him, I work until it's 5pm and I let another worker take my place as I go to the employee's restroom to change into some casual clothing.

I walk down the street to the cafe, passing by the burger place we went to. I finally arrive at the cafe. As I walk in, I can see Az taking a sip a cup of coffee, then waving at me from a two seat table, signaling for me to come and take a seat. I walk over and sit down.

"I'm so glad you could make it, bro!" he says to me with a big grin.

"Of course, I'm so happy you invited me," I say back to him in a positive tone.

"What are you gonna get?" he asks me.

"Well, I don't really like coffee, so I think I'll just get a pastry or.. something" I reply.

I go ahead and order myself a chocolate muffin at the front counter and sit back down.

"You planning on going to the gym soon?" Az questions.

"Well, maybe. I don't really know if it's my thing," I say.

"Seriously? But you're a natural! I've never seen anyone do as well as you for their first time at the gym."

I blush a tad bit and say, "Now that I think about it, I'll be there tomorrow. I'll get someone to fill in for me at work. I don't know if I'll be able to come as often as you'd want, though,"

"Why not?" he asks, then takes a sip of his coffee.

"Well, working at the bookstore's the only job I have, and if I spend even couple of bucks every week, I won't have enough money to pay rent," I respond.

"Well that's no problem," he says to me casually, "I can buy you a membership."

"Oh, no, don't. I rarely go to the gym, so getting a membership isn't the best idea," I say, a bit surprised by his offer.

"Aww, come on..! There's no need to worry, the money won't be coming out of your pocket, anyway," he says, trying to convince me. "Plus, you'd get to spend more time with me!"

What is he talking about? Spend more time with him? I barely even know him!

Even so... he's been really nice to me.

"Sure. I'll let you.. get me.. a membership. As long as it doesn't bother you," I say.

"Of course I won't be bothered! We're gonna have a blast! I could teach you a thing or two," he exclaims happily.

We chat for a little bit.
But then, I say, "Hey, Az?"

He looks at me curiously and answers, "Yeah? What's up?"

"Why are you treating me so nicely? Of all people?" I ask.

He laughs and replies, "Why would I not be nice to you? You've got to be one of the coolest people I've met!"

I look at him doubtfully.

He's got to be pretending right? Out of anyone in that gym, he wanted to hang out with me, who has nothing in common with him.

"Aww, well I think you're cool, too."

We order a few more items, and we talk for a little over an hour. Soon, we decide to head home.

"Hope to see you at the gym tomorrow," he says to me before we go our separate ways.

Once I walk into my apartment, I take a quick shower and plop on my bed. I get out my phone and search up: 'Demon Wrestling Federation sign up sheet'. I tap the first result and sign up. I really want to have something in common with Az since he's also part of the wrestling league. What's the worst that could happen?

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