number seven

16 1 0

Yeah, so I held his hand while the roller coaster was about to start, partially because I was horrified and also because I was curious to find out what he'd do. The second that I reached over for his hand and held it, he turned his head and glanced at me.

"Woah, Kaleb, are you trying to make me blush?" he asks me, playfully.

"Uhhh," I respond in a nervous manner, not making eye contact with him.

He quickly looks away.
"Not that it's working or anything..."

Soon enough, the ride begins, and right off the bat, the roller coaster is totally insane, brah!!! (don't take that seriously) It had tons and tons of crazy fast loop-de-loops, turning everyone upside down with each one.


It lasted a little over a minute, but I couldn't stand it for a single second. It was extremely exhilarating for such a roller coaster.
Soon, the ride came to a stop and everyone stepped off. I was quivering, and my hair was a mess.

"Bro, you look awful," Az says to me jokingly.

"I know."

We got off the platform which the roller coaster was placed on, and looked around for another one.

"Wanna go on that one?" Az suggested, pointing at a tremendously tall attraction that had an extraordinary drop.

I sigh.
"Ughhhh, finneeee. I guess sooooo,"

Az and I step in line for that ride. He glances over at me.

"Hey Kaleb?"

I glance back at him.

"So, uh... did you ever keep in touch with your friends in high school?"

"Like who?"

He looks around.
"Like uhhh.... Madison, was it?"

"Oh, yeah, of course I kept in touch with her!! We talk all the time, actually!" I say, lighting up.

We take a few steps forward as the line moves up.

He smiles at me.
"Really? How is she?"

I think about it.
"Well, I heard that she took up a career in art, and that she's been thriving!

"That's great to hear!"

"Yeah. How about you? Did you keep in contact with your friends? I remember you had a big group," I ask.

He looks down.
"Well... not really. Most of my friends, they only liked me because of my reputation. They didn't really care about me."

"Oh man. That's tragic."

He chuckles.
"It's not a big deal, really. I just cut them off. I figured I was better off without them. But, hey, the friends that weren't fake? They're in the wrestling league with me now."

"Wow. That's awesome!" I say.

The line continued to move up, it was our turn, we got strapped in, and the ride started to ascend to the very top. It was so tremendously high up there. Like... a hundred feet, maybe.

"Oohhhh my gosh," I exclaim out of fear.

It was terrifying. The fact that they were building suspense for the drop was making it even worse.
But yeah, it was pretty scary.

After that, we were determined to go on the rest of the thrilling, toe curling, spine-chilling, pants-wetting roller coasters and rides.

For me, it just heart attack after heart attack after heart attack, but to my fortune, we had eventually rode each and every one.

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