number two

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So he shows me around the gym, the equipment, where everything is located, and all that stuff.
Eventually he stops and asks me, "So, now that you've seen everything, are you ready to workout?"

"Well, yeah, I guess," I respond.
I'm not that excited because I've already been here longer than I planned to be since his little tour took a little over an hour. He brings me to a pair of lifting equipments that I'm completely unfamiliar with.

"You should try this thing out, I totally recommend it for beginners!" he tells me.

"Uhh okay,," I respond.
I get on the lifting thing and do whatever it's supposed to do as he gets on the piece of equipment beside me.

He looks over at me and asks, "Sooo.. what've you been up to ever since high school?"

"Uhhh, I went to college, got a job, got an apartment, and... that's pretty much it," I answer.

"Cool! Let me guess, you had art as your college major?" he questions.

"Uh-huh," I respond.

"I bet your job is something art related too, right?"

I glance at him and say, "No, actually. I work at the library."

"Oh, so you're a nerd, too?" he says in a teasing manner.

I grin and roll my eyes, after that, we kept talking and catching up on everything that's happened since high school, exercising and getting on other pieces of gym stuff at the same time. Next thing I know, it's already getting dark. I get my stuff, and I'm about to walk out the door, but Asmodeus, 'Az' for short, stops me.

"You must be starving. How about we go get something to eat?" he suggests.

"I'm okay, Az, I'll eat once I get home," I reply.

"No, no, I insist! It'll be my treat," he says to me.

Well, now I have to because if I say no one more time it's gonna be awkward and he's gonna think I dislike him.

"Well, if you insist," I reply.

We then walk outside and he takes me down the street.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"You don't recognize this route? Well, there's this awesome burger place down here. Their stuff is the best, dude. You've gotta try it!" he answers.

We then arrive at this huge burger joint that I've never been to before.

"Have you seriously never eaten here?" he questions, looking over at me.

"No. I'm surprised I haven't," I say, looking up at the glowing sign displayed on top of the building.

We walk in and it's only filled with a couple of people. I can smell the fresh aroma of the burgers and whatnot. The both of us stand in line and wait for them to take our order.

Once it's finally our turn, Az rotates his head toward me and asks, "What do you want?"

I look at the wide variety of foods they have and say, "Ummm, y'know what? I'll just get whatever you're having."

He shrugs and takes our order.
We sit down at a booth, on the opposite side of each other.
We sit in silence for a few seconds before he curiously asks, "Well... have you been seeing anyone recently?"

"No.. I've never dated anyone before, actually," I say.

He looks at me confusedly. "Seriously? You've never dated ANYONE in your entire life?"

"Nope." I answer.

"Woah. I never would've guessed someone as awesome as you has never been in a relationship," he says.

"Aww, shucks. You're too kind," I say kiddingly.
The waiter eventually gives us our order and oh my gosh it smells sooooooo good.. I stare at the food for a bit, ignoring the fact that Az is looking at me weird.

"Well? What're you waiting for? Dig in!" he says.

"Oh, yeah. Right," I say, then I quickly take a bite of my burger. I can tell that he was right about this place selling the best burgers. It was the most magnificent, extraordinary, fantastic burger I've ever had.

"What do you think?" he asks me.

"Thif if fhe behft bugrgr ife had." I say with a full mouth.

He chuckles at me a bit and starts chomping down on his own burger.
After our delicious meal, we finally decide to head out.

"Do you mind if I walk you home?" he asks me.

"Oh! No, I don't mind at all!" I say, surprised by his offer.

We start heading toward my apartment complex, on the way, he says to me, "Hey, Kaleb. I've had a lot of fun with you today. We should hang out again sometime."

"I'd like that," I say, giving him a teeny weeny smile.

Eventually, we arrive at my apartment building.

Before I can go up to my apartment, he puts a hand on my shoulder and asks, "Wait, before you leave, can I get your number?"

"Sure, no problem," I say, pulling out my cellphone. I watch as he puts my number in his phone.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to shoot you a text," he says, smiling at me.

I smile back at him, and I head into my apartment.

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