(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Shu Kurenai x 'Returned' Reader

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Part 2 of 'Evolution Forgotten Shu Kurenai x Non-Existent Reader'. CureFire14 want to part 2, so I made it and you will reunite with your bf again :)

Type of this story:
(💞 + ☁️ + ❤)

Now, onto the story!

2 years later
After Aiger become a champion

(Reader's POV)

I finally arrived to my hometwon, Japan, for challanging a new blader, Aiger Akabane.

I saw it on the TV that he defeated Valt. So, I came here to see him to battle him at the tournament.

'I hope Shu is fine without me after I left 2 years ago and gave him the letter I wrote.'

I thought myself as I went down feom the airplanes and walking to Beigoma Academy. I'm sure Aiger was at there.
At Beigoma Academy

I walk inside of Beigoma School and heard the beys are clashing from the hall.

I go to the hall as I entered in to see Aiger and the other blader was Toko. I knew him and his twin, Nika.

Just then, everything went silent as every students and bladers glanced at me with eyes widened, including Toko and Nika. I smiled.

"Hi Toko. Hi Nika." The Aoi twins smiled happily as they rushed to me in front of me with a greet.

"(Y/N)! Long time no see." Toko spoke first with a smile on his face. I smiled at this twins back.

"Yeah, 2 years I must say." Nika heard what I said, making her pouted cutely after I disappeared without telling them that I moved to the other country.

"(Y/N)! Why didn't you tell us that you moved to the other country! You've could call us." She said with an angry pouted. Toko patted his twin back. I patted her head.

"Sorry, now I'm back here to challanged someone I want to battle." Hearing about battle, those trio came to me with a curious look.

"Who're you gonna battle with?" A blonde broom head one asked, hoping it was him to battle with me.

"Aiger Akabane." His grin faded while Aiger grins widely to heard that I want to battle with him.

"Well, (Y/N). You can battle with me because I'm the champion now." He said with a proud face. The other blonde one sweatdropped at Aiger's behaviour sighed.

"Whatever, are you two ready for the battle?" He asked as me and Aiger nodding.


Me and Aiger were now at the beystadium as I took his bey while Aiger took mine to check it before the battle.

I hold Aiger's bey, Turbo Achilles to see how strong his bey was. This bey was Balance Type and yet, he combined with three types.

'His bey was combine all the type at the same time, just like Shu's bey after he envolved his bey when he got corrupted.'

I thought myself and thinking about him. Maybe I can see him again after I battle. I faced to Aiger.

"I got to say your turbo bey was strong as I have ever imagine." I gave him bey back as he returned mine. I took it as Aiger grinned.

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