Chapter 3

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I couldn't believe what just happened. Did he just see me.. no no, this can't be real. This can't be fucking real.

"I think it's time to get out." I say as I slowly get out the bath and wrap myself in the towel. I drain the water and look at my clothes.

I don't think it's a good idea to rewear those.. I think.

I should ask him for some cleaner clothes. Maybe it's better to ask someone else than him at this moment. Hopefully they can get some themselves or just ask Hyunjin instead of me. I shake my head as I slowly walk to the door.

"Please don't be there..." I mumble as I slowly open the door.

Oh fucking damn it.

"Oh, I thought you'd be in there a little longer.." He says as he rubs the back of his neck, feeling awkward.

"Uh... no." I say as I can feel the awkwardness in the air.

"Well.. um.." He starts as his eyes slowly run over my body.

I feel my heart beat pick up it's pace as he's looking and I clear my throat.

"As you can see, I'm in need of some clothes." I say as he immediately looks back at my eyes. I notice his face turn a slightly pink color and he just turns around, avoiding any eye contact or me just simply noticing his face as I already had but, he doesn't know that.

"Right, right." He says as he walks out, shaking his head and closing the door.

I quietly laugh at his reaction when the door closes.

"No way that guy just got red, how shocking." I say, continuing to laugh.

As my body dries up, I get on the bed and lay near the edge bed, looking up at the ceiling. I start feeling a bit miserable, missing home. I look around the room for a clock and I find it on a dresser. I look at the time and notice it's pretty late.

"No way it's gonna be already 1 in the morning. I bet I'm on the news." I groan.

"Bangchan probably saw it if I am due to him always being curious and stuffing his nose in all the articles for some reason." I start feeling worried and sit up.

"My poor mom.. she doesn't even know if I'm okay.." I start to stress as I think about everything. I then hear the door open and I turn my head towards it.

Hyunjin clears his throat as he walks in. "Here." He says as he hands me a few pairs of clothes, pajamas and.. dresses?

"These are yours to wear for the week. I'll get more for you to wear and pairs of shoes and accessories." He says as he walks out.

"But-.. okay.." I say and look at the clothes and think to myself.

These look expensive. God damn so do these dresses. Goodness, why would I need dresses for?

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