Chapter 8

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I sigh as I walk out behind Hyunjin, Felix and Minho as I'm guessing everyone is also dressed in black. I'm met with the bright sun shining directly above us, my hand instinctively hovering above my eyes to block out the bright rays of light. This time, the car was different as it was a big, black 10 seater van. It was of course, an expensive vehicle as the door is already open for us. One by one, we walk inside the car and take our seats. I sit in the back right beside the window as nobody else was on that row. Hyunjin glances at me as he walks over to me and sits right beside me. Of course he sits here and nowhere else. Everyone else was mixed around as Minho, Han and Jeongin sat in the front row. Felix, Changbin and Seungmin sat in the row in front of us as me and Hyunjin had a row to ourselves. The car begins to drive as small chatter begins to flow throughout the ride towards the Kim Family's mansion. It makes the car ride comfortable since it's better with some sort of sound than it being dead silent and awkward.

Hyunjin's eyes are on me as I begin to slowly sense it. I slowly turn my head to look at him as yeah, his gaze was on me as he begins to slowly smirk. He chuckles softly to himself as he turns his head and looks out the window on the right. I roll my eyes and just look back at the window beside me on my left. Everything was going alright and somewhat relaxing until I feel a warm sensation on my thigh, long fingers gently grabbing onto my thigh. My eyes slowly widen, my body tensing up as I feel blood begin to rush up to my cheeks with my face growing hot. I immediately become flustered as my head snaps to look at Hyunjin as he's still looking out the window with a wide smirk. His eyes start to give a side glance at me as he squeezes my thigh, making my breath hitch.

"What... are you doing?" I ask as it's pretty obvious I sound somewhat flustered and confused.

He now turns his head towards me, his hand still on my thigh as his fingers slowly start to rub my inter thigh back and forth. His fingers curl against my thigh as he caresses the fabric that covers my thigh which makes me start to feel a bit more tense. I look down at his hand and back up at him with a confused expression, my eyebrows furrowing. My hand quickly just brushes his hand away as I stare at him, expecting a response from him as he now shakes his head at me.

"What? Got a problem with me touching you, gorgeous?" Hyunjin grins as one of his eyebrows twitch up and down, his face glowing with confidence.

I roll my eyes as my arms go onto my lap as they lay across my thighs. "Yes, I do in fact."

Hyunjin chuckles lowly to himself with a smug smile growing onto his face.

"Don't act like you haven't missed me. You miss that night, don't you? The way you were on top of me, kissing me and t-"

"Okay, okay I get it! Jeez.." I grow embarrassed as I cut him off as fast as I could before he could finish his sentence.

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