Chapter 4

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It was early in the morning when I heard chatter loud enough to wake me up. People running and things getting thrown and moved around. I groan in frustration as I try to get more sleep but the noises would just get louder. I open my eyes and squint as I try looking at the time on the clock.

4:50am. What the fuck.. why the hell is everyone awake right now? I ask myself as I shut my eyes. I hear my door open slowly and I pretend I'm still asleep because I want to sleep.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" A familiar voice, Seungmin.

"Idiot.. you can obviously see she's asleep." Minho says.

"Shut the fuck up. She could be awake, you never know." Seungmin says and Minho hits him on the chest.

"Dumbass.. just go tell Hyunjin she's sleeping and see what he wants us to do." Minho tells Seungmin and he nods and walks away.

Minho just quietly closes the door and his footsteps disappear. I open my eyes and sit up, wondering why they had to check on me. I just shrug it off and try going back to sleep and finally, I do.


I wake up again, annoyed now because someone is physically waking me up. I groan and roll over to make them know I want them gone but they continue.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." Felix repeats over and over again.

I open my eyes and then towards Felix, giving give a death glare as I become pissed. He just shrugs.

"Get up or I'll drag you out of the bed. You have to be up at least before 10am." Felix informs me and I just groan.

"Why?" I ask.

"You'll see why, now hurry your ass up." Felix says and walks out the room.

"I just wanna go home.. I could sleep in if I was home.. in my bed.." I whine as I slowly get out of bed and head to the bathroom.

I take a shower and brush my teeth. I decide to put some makeup on but make sure it wasn't too heavy. I think if I wanna go out there in this or in those clothes.

"I'll just change out of this. Seems everyone else is dressed.." I say to myself and go to the closet.

I grab the clothes and decide to wear the white top and black shorts. (you decide how it looks, remember though, it's expensive 😘) I complimented my body as it was tight around the right places. I noticed that accessories and shoes were already here and I grab what the outfit needed.

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