Chapter 5

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this chapter will have big paragraphs 🫶🏼

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this chapter will have big paragraphs 🫶🏼


I couldn't believe my eyes. How could he even be at this kind of party?

"Y/N?! I've been so worried! Where did you go? Why are you even here?" He asks me questions.

I want to stay and answer but I can't mess this up. I don't want to get killed.

"Bangchan.. I-.." I start to speak but I turn my head, realizing the group slowly starting to walk away. 

"Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?! Go to the group before they walk off!" Hyunjin yells into the intercom, making me realize why I'm here.

"I'm sorry, I'll explain whenever I'll get that chance." I tell him as I rush off into the crowd towards the group of men.

I hear Bangchan yell for me to stop but I continue to keep walking. I need to do this.

As I'm getting closer I feel myself getting uneasy. I think of many different ways to seduce the guy I need to kill. It's frightening to know that I'm going to be killing someone. How can some people do this so easily without feeling any sympathy?

I now walk in front of them with a smirk, gaining their attention. They stop in their tracks and they all give each other eyes; now looking at me.

"What's a lady like you doing here all alone?" The guy I need says.

"Oh nothing. I just came to gain someone's attention is all." I say as I stare at him with big eyes. I try my absolute best to get him in that room with me.

"Ay boss." The one on his left says as she looks at my body and back at his "Boss", signaling him to look at my body and he does.

"Good job Y/N, keep it going. One of us will tell you when to start bringing him to the room." Hyunjin says into the intercom.

I giggle as I give him a wink and he smirks.

I have his attention now.

"Well, a bit of entertainment won't hurt now, right lads?" The boss says and everyone agrees.

"My apologies boys but I got my eyes on one here." I say while looking at the boss, giving a smirk.

He then licks his lips and signals me to come to him. I walk to him and he wraps his arms around my waist, now pulling me closer to him. I feel myself wanting to puke as this guy is not as attractive as he thinks he is.

"Now lovely, are you trying to tell me something?" He whispers in my ear which makes me feel pure disgust.

"Maybe I am." I whisper back.

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