Chapter 7

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Bangchan and Felix stare each other down as the air in the room becomes tense. I look around and as you can tell, I'm not the only one who can feel the sudden tension grow each passing second as it becomes dead silent. It's been over a good 3 minutes until someone finally clears their throat, breaking the silence as the tension inside the room stays put.

"Felix. I.. I didn't expect to see you so soon." Banchan's voice echos throughout the room as his tone is filled with surprise and a tint of fear.

All eyes are on the two as it makes my body feel suddenly stiff. I look around to observe everyone else's reactions and movements as they all stand still, their eyes glancing back and forth between both Felix and Bangchan. They're bodies being tense and stiff with little to no movement being made. Nobody dares to speak up as they watch the interaction happen between Felix and Bangchan almost with anticipation and worry.

"Why.. Why are you here? Why is he here?" Felix suddenly turns to Hyunjin with a questioning and concerned gaze, seeming confused and maybe even upset as he faces Bangchan one again.

Hyunjin stays silent, as if he doesn't want to be the one to speak. It feels slightly awkward knowing that the real reason he's here is because of me. All of it is because of me. It's not like I should be guilty as there is no reason but still, how Felix is reacting and his eyes showing a pain in them with having to face Bangchan again because he wanted to save me from this so called "Hell Hole"; it still can leave a bit of guilt for letting Felix having to feel this way again.

The silence breaks as Bangchan just sighs, speaking up. "I'm only here.. because of Hyunjin taking me here. All I wanted to do was to get Y/N and leave. I wasn't trying to face any of you but it seems I had no choice."

Bangchan just runs his hand through his hair as he simply looks away from Felix, his eyes now slowly dropping to the floor as he bites his tongue. Felix crosses his arms as he glances around the room, looking at everyone before looking back at Bangchan.

"You're fucked up for how you left, y'know that? How could you leave us so easily? Weren't you the one who first called all of us your family?" Felix's voice seemed to drop even deeper as he gets more serious, anger and hurt easily being sensed in his voice.

Everyone reacts to that. It was a bit shocking, yes as it was a bit out of the blue.

"Felix, I didn't mean to hurt you or anyone. I just didn't want to live like that anymore." Bangchan now speaks more seriously as he tries to express his generosity.

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