Chapter One- Longing Heart, Beyond The Stars

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A young girl stood at a balcony of a castle, outside of a room, two glass doors closed behind her. She leaned over the balcony, gazing at the night sky. The castle was silent behind her while the stars gleamed above her, her eyes watching them carefully as light from the stars shone on her world. She felt a strange longing in her heart, as if the stars were calling her to join them. She wondered what it would be like to leave the castle and explore what was beyond its walls.

She knew she couldn't, however. She didn't have a Keyblade, and her father forbade her from leaving the Land of Departure. He said it was too dangerous, and that she had to stay safe. He said that darkness was evil, and that it must be destroyed at all costs. He said that he wanted to protect her from harm.

She loved her father too, but she also felt suffocated by his rules. She wanted to see more of life, to have adventures, to make friends, to find her own destiny. She wanted to be free. Unfortunately, she knew he was right. She knew all she would do is cause problems.

Her hair was lilac reaching almost inches past her knees, though it was held up by a black bow and a ponytail, her hair having a black streak in it, her eyes a dark brown. She wore a dark blue butterfly clip in her hair that had a taffy pink flower hanging down from it along with a white feather-like accessory. She wore a black long sleeved jacket with the sleeves rolled up over an ocean blue crop top. On her left wrist was a lavender-lilac bracelet with a Keyblade Master Crest symbol on it along with a tawny brown fingerless glove that only reached her wrist while on her right wrist was a lime green arm brace. She was also wearing a lilac- lavender cape with a hood, the cape reaching inches above her heels. Around her waist was a light brown belt with a bright pink chain tied around it, blue shorts with white clothes hanging down from the legs. Around her knees, the girl had wrapped a bandage around both of them leaving a canary yellow ribbon on her right leg. On her feet were lilac-lavender boots with dull blue in the middle and baby blue bows in the back of them.The girl then sighed, her sigh, despite its softness showing her frustration. She raised one of her hands, sparks flying from that hand. She watched the sparks, eventually hearing them start crackling when they started swirling around her wrist. The sparks didn't stay long unfortunately, disappearing after a moment. The girl sighed once more, leaning on the rail again.

"Defend..." She whispered beneath her breath "How can I 'defend' anything without a Keyblade?" She asked herself. That was when she heard the doors behind her open.

"We always have magic, don't we?" Asked a female voice behind the girl.

The girl turned around quickly, gasping upon seeing who was standing there. "Mom..."

Her mother, Ayaka's hair was a lighter shade of lilac from the young girl, her hair reaching down to her waist and her eyes were a light shade of pink. She was wearing a bright fiery orange flower in her hair, a silver chain around her neck, a black flower patterned cape and a red colorful flower patterned kimono with black knee-high, high-heeled boots.

The woman only giggled. "Hey, Annabelle." She greeted her daughter.

The girl moved to walk away from the balcony rail, saying, "Mom, I told you it's Analia." She tried to correct the woman.

Ayaka could only give a smile. "So we're changing names again?" She asked with a curious tone.

"'Again'?" Analia asked with a tone of confusion. "I don't-"

"I meant another friend of mine." Her mother clarified. "I guess he had a very valid reason though..." The woman muttered to herself.

"Huh?" Analia questioned her mother.

"Oh, nothing." Ayaka answered with a small chuckle.

Analia was even more confused now. Despite that confusion though, she only moved back over to the balcony railing, placing a hand on it and looking toward the sky to the stars once more. "Mom, what's with the stars? They bring a feeling of longing everytime I stare at them."

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